Ferrandis frustrated at MXoN omission

Dylan Ferrandis isn’t happy at being left out of the 2023 French MXoN team taking place on home turf at Ernee.

Ferrandis was seriously fast at last year’s MXoN at Red Bud and recently found his best form again after finally getting comfortable on the new Yamaha machine.

Despite Febvre, Renaux and Vialle proven commodities, Ferrandis took to Instagram to vent his frustration:

With all four very fast, someone was going to be left annoyed, and that’s not counting Benistant who was in MX2 world title contention until his injury! Yes, Ferrandis or Renaux could both taken the second 450 spot or potentially replaced Vialle in MX2 (with an MX2 world title and 250 AMA title win), with Dylan’s form arguably better than Tom’s right now.

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But that then creates the added issue of putting a 450 rider on a 250 and with Vialle able to use his GP suspension in France, we might see the best of him again, and he still won an AMA round this year.

Febvre was a lock with 6 GP wins and Renaux has already shown speed just back from injury with a team based in Europe.

Either way, not an easy call for team manager Gautier Paulin, and that’s with Benistant injured, taking one world class option away! Someone was always going to be unhappy and feel deserving of the spot they didn’t get.

Image: Yamaha