Ken Roczen on his traumatic 2017 crash

Ken Roczen opened up about his devastating crash in 2017 just when it looked like he may be about to take over the supercross world on the Honda.

Roczen explained how the crash happened to Jase McAlpine, saying:

Really it was just getting off the table-top, it rebounded or kicked me up, it was probably gullied out a little bit. The hardest part was the shock bottomed out and it ripped my heels on the take-off. That’s why I ended up supermaning, I didn’t jump off that way. So as It was bucking me forward, and I’m super manning, I have no grip on the bike, I can’t correct it or do anything or so something different, or figure out in a split second how I can land with the least amount of damage.

“You know when you die off of something really high off of something into the water and you are kind of just waiting and you brace upon impact to not feel the pain or stiffen up? That’s exactly what I did, I tried to absorb as much as I could, it’s not like I could do much, I just tried to absorb as much as I could, it could have been a lot more than an arm.”

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