Top three 250 West contender Cameron McAdoo says he is going for surgery on his shoulder after a crash that was “out of all of our control.”
McAdoo said on social media: “Not the news I wanted to share with you guys today. On Monday, due to circumstances out of all of our control, I crashed and hurt my shoulder resulting in a dislocation and torn Labrum. I am going in for surgery this morning. I’m extremely bummed not to be able to do battle with my team for the next few months. I’ll be right back to work getting ready for more as soon as I can- and of course, I’ll keep you guys updated on my progress. Really appreciate all the support, and I’ll see everyone soon!”
Steve Matthes then confirmed the PC Kawaski “broke in the whoops.” In what is another blow to Mitch Payton’s season that is rapidly turning into a nightmare.
Yeah, bike broke in the whoops
— Steve Matthes (@pulpmx) April 6, 2023
Image: McAdoo IG