She might already be a multiple WMX championship as she is a six time World Champion but Kiara Fontonesi is still motivated to run at the front and beat the best.
Racing might not be the Italian’s priority as it once was as she is a mother of two but the fact she has come back to race with the best shows she loves competing and has one more dream: to win the World title as a mother. What a story that would be.
We caught up with Fontanesi after the Swiss GP after she just missed the podium but her pace is good.
GateDrop: Kiara, we’ve had two rounds of WMX now and you are back after having a baby, I think you can be happy with the first couple of rounds all things considered…
Fontanesi: Well, for sure it is already a dream to be back here racing with two kids. It’s not the result we want because I got sick almost three weeks ago, just the week before Riola. I had a really bad sickness that in Riola I thought I wouldn’t even be able to ride and that is why I took that very bad result. Already the first round went like that and then I had to take medicine and antibiotics which dropped my energy down very bad. That is why yesterday I was already KO’d after only one lap and today as well. Yesterday I could make a bit more difference because the track was rough and even though I was struggling, I could still manage to make the difference but today the track was flat I had zero power and everyone was going the same speed. I just couldn’t stay on the bike so I can’t get mad about it but at the same time, frustrated because I worked hard to get back in shape and I was in very good shape just one week before Riola. Then everything dropped down so bad but I hope that I can get my energy bac before round three.
GateDrop: Taking away the sickness, did you have much time to fully prepare for the opening round? Obviously you had a kid and your kids are your priority now as well…
Fontanesi: I had six months riding so for sure it was much better than when I had Skyler when I only had three months. Physically I was not 100% but on the riding side I was very well, I was riding good with good speed but I just didn’t have the power to put the speed on the bike. I couldn’t do what I wanted, I just need to get my energy back because my legs don’t hold on and my arms are destroyed as well. That is the problem at the moment.
GateDrop: The level of WMX is really quite high this year I feel – what is it like for you being away and then jumping straight back in racing the World Championship again? Is it tough?
Fontanesi: Honestly, I feel the same as before because I know my potential and I know that if everything is together that I can still be fast. I was fast in qualifying and then second in the first moto in the condition that I am in. Like I said, I think we can fight for the championship, it’s just the problem with the sickness and out of any kind of energy at the moment. I just hope that I can be fit enough for Spain and finally have everything there to at least fight how I want too.

GateDrop: A lot of girls in your situation might not even race so I think it shows that you love what you do and you love racing Motocross. How many more years do you think you’ll continue to race the World Championship?
Fontanesi: If I am here, it is just because I have one more dream: to become World Champion as a Mum. I will give myself a couple of years and if this doesn’t happen, I think I will stop because I want to enjoy some time with my family as well.
GateDrop: What’s it like for you off the track? Now being a Mum of two, it must be very different from when you were 18 and the full focus was just racing…
Fontanesi: Somehow it actually helps because you have to focus away sometimes which is also good. Otherwise you are just too much into thinking of racing so it is a good balance for me and it helps stop my mind training and racing when I am home, I can dedicate myself to the family. But of course it is still hard, I can not dedicate myself 100% anymore to training and I miss the part of resting a lot. I cannot rest when I am home, I have two kids and most of the day I am tired like hell so I am always very tired. I am always a bit running out of energy anyway so that is the most difficult part let’s say.
Interview: Andy McKinstry