Interview: Jeremy Seewer on his impressive season, track prep and his future

Last year was a rookie season for Jeremy Seewer in MXGP and he had a strong season as a rookie finishing eighth in the championship. However, making the switch from the Wilvo team to the full factory Yamaha team for 2019 and the Swiss rider hasn’t disappointed.

Seewer has really stepped up his game in 2019 and sits an impressive third in the MXGP World Championship after ten rounds. Perhaps he’s the surprise of the season so far?

We caught up with Seewer to discuss his season to date and much more.

Gatedrop: Jeremy, a bad start in the second moto meant you missed the podium but overall I’d still say it was a positive day for you. Are you happy with your speed?

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Jeremy Seewer: I am really really happy with my speed. I was basically in the top three all weekend. Timed practice, qualifying race and the first moto. In the second moto I actually had a good start again behind Tim in second but in the second corner I went into the inside, the same line as Tim took. He kind of stopped so I came really close to his rear wheel in the same rut, I tried to accelerate quick to follow him but somehow the rut broke away. I basically lay it down and crashed. I was in P25 and really far back, I had to catch up and was doing a really good moto with good speed again to come back to eighth which is tough in MXGP you know?(laughs).  I missed the podium but overall I am still happy, good points, fifth overall. The season is long and of course I wish for the podium stuff but we are still doing a good job and collecting good points.

Gatedrop: If there was one track to be outside the top twenty on, this wouldn’t be one of them as it looked really one-lined despite lots of ruts. What was it like coming up through the pack?

Jeremy Seewer: I mean in the beginning you can make the difference. The first three or four laps because some guys, they aren’t struggling but they need to find their rythem and if you can find it earlier and push that extra bit then you can make it work. After ten minutes it kind of settles and then I also arrived in the top ten. There everybody is fast and then I could finish eighth of course but then I lost a lot of energy with passing all those guys, changing lines, pushing, pushing, pushing lap after lap. The race is getting long as well and that track didn’t help to pass even though I really loved it.  How they prepared it, really rutty, technical but not sketchy because the speed came down. It was really well prepared but the level is still so high, the speed is the same and it’s hard to pass.

Gatedrop: You mentioned the track, in Latvia and Russia, the tracks were very fast. Was it nice to ride a slower track and did it get rough out there?

Jeremy Seewer: It was nice to rider a slower track out there and a more technical track were you don’t have to go fifth gear and all in achieve what you want.  You could ride with technique, this is what I like and it’s the better way. They did a bad job the last two GP’s with that but I loved it. It was good stuff and that’s how every track should be.

Gatedrop: You say they done a bad job at the last two GP’s, why was that? Grooming the tracks too much to make it too fast? Would you prefer them to let the tracks get rougher like they used to do?

Jeremy Seewer: Yes, I would. I mean they could flatten it for Sunday because it gets rough really quick again. But especially in Kegums for example, they flattened it way too much between the moto’s. MX2 was basically a highway, you know? They all think about injuries because the last few weeks it’s been tough on us, the MXGP class with injuries. I think it comes from the fast tracks, there are no bumps, okay it might look less dangerous but you go a lot faster so you need to risk more. If you crash on a higher speed, the impact is a lot bigger so if you have a rough track like today (Germany). Everybody crashes as well because it’s difficult, you saw many mistakes today but they’re small. You might have a small highside or lose the front, small things you know? I mean you can still get hurt, it’s one theory I talk about but for sure a rougher track is better.

Pic: Niek Kamper

Gatedrop: Before this weekend, you were third in the MXGP World Championship. I would say, the surprise of the season so far. Are you surprised yourself at this racing the best guys in the world?

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Jeremy Seewer: I didn’t expect it. Especially not at this stage in the championship because I struggled at the beginning. As everyone knows, I had a lung infection which cost me a lot. I lost basically three weeks of training and bike time and started from less than zero with muscle building. I started with a tenth and eleventh in Argentina, I mean that’s where I came from. Now after half way I am in third which is amazing of course. I don’t care too much yet, it’s a long season still and many races to come with big trips like Indonesia, China and stuff.  I will focus every race and try to keep my goal alive which is just the top five. I’m not going to put my goal on the podium every weekend, I will just keep this top five alive and we will see where we end up at the end of the year. Of course, it is cool to see my name in the top three, you know?

Gatedrop:  There’s rumours about a team structure change at Yamaha in 2020 which means you might have to leave. Obviously you can’t say too much about that but with the way you’re riding you are putting yourself in the shop window for another good factory ride!

Jeremy Seewer: I mean as you check the standings now it looks really good for me. It means I can have a lot of choice which is nice of course. You can make it easy on yourself like this. But to be honest, all the talk just really started this weekend. The rumours, that my manager came here to talk with some guys of course. I can’t say anything because they don’t know themselves yet really, what and how. It’s just like really starting but I think in 2, 3 or 4 weeks time, it will all be ready to bring it out.

Gatedrop: I am in no way trying to link you to a move to Suzuki again. However, there are reports they can make a comeback to MXGP in 2020 or 2021 which has got some fans excited. For the sport just how good would it be to see them back in the paddock again? As a former rider you must have some great memories with them.

Jeremy Seewer: I would love to see Suzuki back in the paddock. Not for myself but just for the sport, I mean more competition will bring more fans. More fans will bring more attention as well. I heard some rumours as well about them but as I know it for sure won’t be in 2020 because they have this kind of contract but I can’t focus on that. I have to put myself in a good position and I can’t wait on anybody to come back (laughs). I had a good time at Suzuki but we all know this is over and even if they do comeback, it’s maybe a different story. I put myself in a good spot now and then we will see what happens in the future.

Interview: Andy McKinstry

Pics: Niek Kamper