Interview: Henry Jacobi on his home GP

Henry Jacobi has really stepped up his riding this year after signing with the F&H Kawasaki racing team for 2019.

The German might only have one podium to his name so far this season but he sits fifth in the MX2 World Championship and only one point off fourth.

We caught up with Jacobi after his home GP to discuss his season so far.

Gatedrop: Henry, overall a solid weekend at your home GP, a good first moto but a bad start in the second moto made things difficult. Overall, a good weekend for you though I thought?

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Henry Jacobi: It was quite a good weekend. Like you said, the first race was good. The second race, it was difficult to make up ground because the track was drying out so much and then I had a crash. I was able to get back to ninth. I got fifth overall which is quite good for the points as well with many injured riders. We are happy to go home again in one piece.

Gatedrop: In the qualifying race on Saturday I thought you rode very well. You were really the only rider to make passes in that moto, would you say that’s one of your strengths?

Henry Jacobi: Yeah I think so, I’m good at passing riders. But still, every day is different. Saturday was like that but Sunday was different.

Gatedrop: How did you find the Teutschenthal track? The previous two rounds in Russia and Latvia were very fast but today was different.

Henry Jacobi: Yeah, it was way better. It wasn’t so one lined and not so dangerous. It was honestly way better than the previous two.

Gatedrop: Did you feel much pressure racing in front of your home crowd this weekend? Do you think you dealt with it quite good?

Henry Jacobi: Yeah, I felt the pressure. But I think it helps more than it slows you down. I could hear the fans around every single corner, it felt great.

Gatedrop: What’s your expectations for the rest of the season?

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Henry Jacobi: Maybe to get another podium and get back to the old form we started the season with. I want to stay in the top five of the World Championship as well.

Gatedrop: You’ve had a bike of bad luck with the bike breaking down on you twice this weekend, you might just be due a podium again soon?

Henry Jacobi: Yeah, for sure the podium is the goal. We are aiming for this every weekend now.

Gatedrop: In 2020, you will be making the move to MXGP. Is that something you’ve thought about and are you worried? A lot of riders and maybe not enough rides in MXGP!

Henry Jacobi: I just need to focus on the MX2 season. I want good races and good overall results. We will see what next year brings.

Interview: Marco Kamper

Pic: Niek Kamper