Interview: Brad Anderson!

Determined, fast and tough. Those are the three words that come to mind when you think of British fan favourite Brad Anderson.

The former British champ is having a good season so far, lying fourth in the MX1 British championship and just took a terrific double win in the EMX300 championship to come away leading the series after round one!

We caught up with the ageless Ando to talk about his EMX win and get his thoughts on his season so far on the Verde Sports Racing KTM.

Let’s start with the EMX300 win! You had a battle with Mike Krass to win the class and the track looked tough, but did you enjoy the whole weekend?

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The track to be fair rode really well, we had a almost like a Tornado on Friday, for the rain we had the track was in good condition. We thought it was going to be cancelled on Friday! The track took the rain well and there were deep ruts which made it technical an d good racing. Me and Yental, I was chasing him and he made that mistake which handed me the win by 20 seconds. So I was really pleased about that.

It come to Sunday and they graded the whole track and I knew Krass likes a flat track so I knew he was going to be fast. I had to push those first few laps to try to keep with him and put the pressure on a little bit. I got my head down, obviously I made a few mistakes, I passed him and then made a mistake and he got back past us but it was a good battle. At the end I passed but he caught us up with the backmarkers, I lost a bit of time that lap, but we had a really good battle and two wins, I’m over the moon. To have the red plate, it’s special that was my goal to win the metting and win the red plate but it’s even better to come away with two wins.

Is that EMX300 championship now a big goal of yours?

Yeah I think the two-stroke seems to be coming back a bit. A lot of people can’t afford to ride MX1 or MX2, they are either too old or it’s too expensive so they can come to the EMX300 where it’s a lot cheaper and ride. I think there is a lot of people getting behind it, it’s a really good series.

Are you enjoying getting back on the GP tracks and in front of the big crowds?

Yeah you get on the podium just like the MXGP guys, it’s exactly like winning a GP only scaled down a little bit obviously. It’s nice once you get up on that box and listen to the national anthem, it’s a real special moment.

Do you have much trouble adapting to the two-stroke from the four-stroke?

Pretty quick, it’s a easier going from the four-stroke to the two-stroke, it’s a lot harder giong two-stroke to the four-stroke becaause of the power. If you stick with the two-stoke a bit longer than you should, you get used to the power of it which isn’t as much as four-stroke. So that’s different, plus the four-stroke is heavier, the two-stoke is easier to handle, but I can adapt pretty quick to be far.

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Anderson got the red plate in Germany. Pic: Youthstream

Just on your British championship season so far you are fourth in the championship, a solid season so far with second place moto at the first round, how do you assess your British championship season?

There are five or six guys who are quite close. I have had my fair share of bad luck in these last two rounds but hopefully I can turn it around and get on the box in the British championship. I have the speed, I know I can do it, it’s just getting everything together and getting out of the gate and get my confidence back on the 450.

Do you feel you are still in the championship hunt?

I was before the last round, I was only 20 points away. It’s starting to slip away a little bit now but as I say anything can happen. Jake was doing well and then he got hurt. It’s not nice but anyone can injure themselves and if you win it that way you have to take it. So I will get my head down and just get the best results I can and just see where I end up.

Every season I see you racing, you are not getting any slower, if anything you are getting faster and age doesn’t seem to be a barrier to your speed! What’s the secret of keeping your motivation and keeping your speed?

To be honest over the winter I did something different, I did a lot of cross-fit to build me back up and that helped a lot. Now during the season, I’m busy but I just do my own thing going to the gym and do a lot of mountain biking and stuff. I do feel fit, I feel good and we will just see what next year brings.

You must still enjoy it a lot to be doing so many races a season!

Yeah I still enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing it but it seems I am enjoying myself more with the two-strokes so I might go that way next year, it will just depend on how I get on this year.

The next round of the British championship is at Desertmartin, is that a track you are a fan of and what are your expectations for that event?

Yeah, I always am a really big fan, they prepare it right and it always gets rough. I’ve had my share of bad luck there but I have turned it around the last few years and had really good results there. So I just need to get my finger out, get a good gate, hopefully get a bit of luck behind us and get on that box again!