Interview: Lewis Trickett!

The format of the Maxxis British Championship has changed as it has implemented the British Two Stroke championship for the 2017 season. One of the riders that has decided to compete in the new series is Lewis Trickett as he inked a deal with a new team in the British scene, ASA Scaffolding Honda.

Two rounds have already passed with another two scheduled to take place. The fans and riders seem to be positive about the series and want more in 2018. The series has given Trickett the chance to rebuild his career again as in our interview he admitted that he was going to stop racing at a professional level. If this championship wasn’t around that might have well been the case!

We catch up with Trickett after he impressed at the second round of the series at Hawkstone Park.

Gatedrop: Lewis, first of all you decided to compete in the all new British two stroke championship this year, was that a hard decision to make as you could still be competitive in the MX2 class?

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Lewis Trickett: It wasn’t a hard decision at all. Last year was tough for me as I ruptured the S4 disc in my back at the end of June and I was off the bike until the end of January 2017. It was looking like at one point I needed to call it a day and stop racing at a professional level. I had an opportunity to ride in the 2 stroke series and thought it was the perfect way to rebuild my career!

Gatedrop: You also signed with a new team in the ASA Scaffolding Honda team, how have you settled into the team?

Lewis Trickett: It’s been awesome riding for the ASA scaffolding team! Team manager Lee Tolan has helped me so much and I can’t thank him enough for still believing in me and giving me a chance to race again. We have become good friends, we ride a lot together and support each other 100%. Also, my mechanics Tony and Dan are doing a great job.

Gatedrop: We have had two rounds of the British Two Stroke Championship, what’s your thoughts on the new series?

Lewis Trickett: It’s a great series, the racing has been exciting for the spectators to watch and so much fun for us riders to take part in! It’s an affordable way for people who don’t have a huge budget or team behind them to still be able to race a professional event and be competitive which I think is great for our sport. 

Gatedrop: How have the first two rounds gone for you?

Lewis Trickett: It’s gone well so far, the first round I rode tight and reserved and took 3rd overall. Round two, I felt much better and let it hang out a little more and got close to a race win but took 2nd overall and 2nd in the championship.

Gatedrop: Mike Kras is racing the series and looks really good. What do you think it’s going to take to beat him and do you think you can do it?

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Lewis Trickett: He’s a great rider and very experienced, I’ve actually learnt a bit riding behind him, especially at hawkstone park in the sand I stayed as close to him as I could in the first race and in race two I caught him and finished 1 sec behind over the line so for sure I think I can beat him. Especially as we move on to tracks that really suit me like Blaxhall and Foxhill.

Gatedrop: There’s only four rounds of the British Two Stroke series this year, moving forward would you like an increase of rounds next year?

Lewis Trickett: Yes, 100% – I think it is great for our sport! So many people enjoy watching 2 stroke racing and it’s great for the manufacturers still making modern 2 strokes to promote their bikes. It’s something new and exciting, I think it should be a full eight round series in 2018!

Gatedrop: You aren’t on the EMX300 entry list for Germany but will you compete at any of those during the course of the year?

Lewis Trickett: As a team we thought about racing Germany but it would take a big chunk of budget because of the logistics and entry fees so we decided against it. But it’s possible in the future.

Gatedrop: Looking back at your career in the MX2 class, are you happy with your results and if you went back would there be anything you’d do differently?

Lewis Trickett: I’ve had huge ups and downs. In 2014 I dislocated my hip really bad just as I was getting towards podium finishes and that kept me out for a long time.  It really set me back and since then I’ve felt like every time I start coming good again another injury hits and pulls me back all over again! Looking back I’d have ridden smarter, smoother and tried to preserve my body more rather than hanging it out on the edge so much.

Gatedrop: What’s the future hold for you, do you see yourself back on a four stroke and back in the MX2 class?

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Lewis Trickett: I’m racing the 450 in the MX Nationals and at the rounds of the British championship that don’t collide with 2 stroke races so that could be an option for next year. Right now I’m taking it step by step and I’ll see if any opportunities come about to ride in either MX1 or MX2.

Gatedrop: You worked with Dave Thorpe at Buildbase Honda last year, what was it like working with him?

Lewis Trickett: It was a great opportunity for me, it’s the best team in the British championship. I am grateful that Dave saw potential in me and offered me a deal. Although I felt under pressure every time I raced and the season started off so badly. I had an uphill battle all year to try and get results for him and Honda.  The more effort I seemed to put in and the more I tried the worse it seemed to get, then I had my back injury and that was the end of it.

Pic: Haggis Hartman