An update on the future of Lommel MX track – positive!

There was a bit of concern regarding the future of the Lommel MX track which is the centre of the Motocross world in Europe as a permit extension was under threat as previously reported.

The good news is that the Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir has stated, “A closure of the Lommel motocross site on January 1, 2024 was and is not at all an option.” An (interim) solution was sought and found.

It’s the news that Motocross fans in Belgium and around the world would have wanted with the track staying open beyond the 1st of January and it means the MXGP World Championship should still be heading to Lommel in 2024.

Hopefully the track doesn’t face any such problems in the future either.


Image: MXGP/Infront Moto Racing