Tomac on his Red Bud win

Eli Tomac had the perfect day at Red Bud, going 1-1 and managed to get back into the points lead ahead of his bitter rival Blake Baggett.

Tomac leads by 13 points heading into one of his favourite tracks this weekend, the sand of Southwick, and even Ken Roczen couldn’t beat him there last year!

Tomac discussed his race at the press conference and admitted both motos were tough.

Tomac said: “For silencing people, there was only one guy talking really! It was a good day for us. it was something we were looking for, a mistake free day. I had to work for it, we were a little bit behind there on the start in the second moto, it was a better start but on the outside of the second turn I got passed by a few guys and had to work our way up. It was our first win at Red Bud too so that was pretty cool, the fans are awesome here. The track is pretty one lined for how wide it is. It was a little tough to get around guys but no excuses it was an all round good day.

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“I didn’t want to rush anything (in the second moto) the pace was already pretty fast and pretty gnarly so there wasn’t any reason to push out of the comfort zone. There was a lot of roost and I was pulling tear-offs a lot. I backed off a little built and slowly crept away back up to them. Yeah I saw (Baggett going down).

“It was a combination of a couple of things (Baggett catching him in moto one), one was lappers and then I made a mistake on the second to last lap on that table-top, my rear end stepped out and he probably gained easily a second right there and he was right on me. It got close at the end and we were able to hang on to it and that’s what matters.

“I have always had good success in the past (at Southwick), I love the sand and I’m excited.”