Team France MXoN change – No Musquin!

Tested positive for Covid-19 at the end of August and absent from the American Motocross Championship since the Ironman round, Marvin Musquin is still very weakened physically by the virus. Therefore, we regret to announce the withdrawal of Marvin for the Motocross of Nations in Mantova (Italy) on September 25th and 26th. Marvin was motivated and happy by the French selection, we wish him a good recovery and hope to find him in great shape quickly.

He will be replaced by Benoît Paturel who will line up in the MXGP category with number 13. At 26 years old, Benoît therefore will join the French Team for the second time in his career after his victorious epic at Maggiora in 2016 alongside Romain Febvre and Gautier Paulin.

The team is now as follows:

Benoît Paturel (MXGP category)
Tom Vialle (MX2 category)
Mathys Boisramé (OPEN category)

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Words: FFM

Pic: Cudby

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