Revised Dutch Masters 2022 calendar

Due to a shift in the MXGP calendar, the race in Harfsen in the Dutch Masters of Motocross Championship on Sunday 8 May will be moved forward one week. The new date for the event is Sunday, May 1.

As previously announced, this shift is necessary due to a modified MXGP calendar. Due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the international sanctions imposed on Russia as a result, Russia’s MXGP will not take place on May 1 in Orlyonok. The replacement event for this GP is scheduled a week later, on May 8, in Maggiora, Italy.

Since the rounds of the Dutch Masters in order to bring the international riders who ride in the World Cups to the Netherlands for great races, the organization had to look for a solution. Thanks in part to the flexibility of organizing club MC Hamac, a solution was found quickly: the DMoMX competition will be moved one week forward to Sunday 1 May.

The revised calendar therefore now looks like this:

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March 13, 2022 – Arnhem
April 18, 2022 – Oldebroek (Easter Monday)
May 1, 2022 – Harfsen
May 22, 2022 – Oss
June 18, 2022 – Rhenen

The 85cc class is not running in Oldebroek and Rhenen. This is due to EMX competitions on or around the same dates. Due to the European Championship youth competition in Lommel on April 30 and May 1, it will not be possible to have the 85cc in action on the new date in Harfsen. Because this would only leave two competitions for this class on the DMoMX calendar, the KNMV is looking for a suitable solution for the riders in this class. We will communicate about this at a later time.

Words: KNMV

Pic: Ray Archer