Video: Herlings and Gajser intense battle in the Agueda mud!

Jeffrey Herlings and Tim Gajser went at it in the mud with Romain Febvre right there with them!

Gajser would eventually take the moto win after Herlings, who was making a late race charge for the lead, suffered a mechanical issue and a costly DNF for the championship!

Herlings said: In drier conditions on Saturday I showed I had the speed. The first moto was a shame. I was closing in for the lead and I think I could have made a pass but we ended up with zero points. I led all the way in the second, so it’s a pity we only go home with one win. It could have easily been a GP victory today. Spain next and my goal is to be back on the podium there. A win would be amazing…but we’ll aim for the top three. I’m just over 50 points down at the moment, but we’ve had our bad luck and we’re still not that far away and there are 15 races to go. A lot ahead.

Gajser commented:  Of course it is great to get the red-plate after all the work we’ve put in. Even getting the podium position after that second moto was a surprise but those conditions it can be a lottery. I made far too many mistakes, which is frustrating as I had a really good start before that first mistake and from there on it was just survival. It was also a shame because the first moto was a really good one for me. I got the holeshot and had a good battle for the lead and eventually won in really difficult conditions. Overall though, to get on the podium, winning two of the three motos over the weekend and to get the red-plate I have to be happy with that.