Meico Vettik back on a 2-stroke in 2022

Young Estonian, Meico Vettik will be back on a privateer setup for the 2022 season with support from KTM Racing Estonia and he’ll focus on the EMX250 series.

This year Vettik was with the TBS-Conversations KTM team and transitioned to the 4-stroke but the results weren’t as expected.  For the 2022 season, Vettik will be back on a 2-stroke and it looks like he’s much more comfortable and being on a privateer setup should also mean less pressure on his shoulders as well.

Vettik had some great results on a 2-stroke in 2020 so will be looking to bounce back in 2022 after a difficult season – he is certainly a rider to keep an eye on.

“We will stay in the EMX250 series in 2022 and ride as privateer. Right now it’s the best for us, like 2020 we had a great team together. Actually I am a very calm guy so I have no pressure at all. The goal is of course the EMX250 title. We will ride some home races as well if we have time but the important series is EMX250”, Vettik told