Max Anstie on his home GP and new team

Racing back at Matterley Basin

It’s always nice to come back home and it’s nice it’s early in the year and they have got lucky with the weather, the track is perfect. It’s nice to come home and do a bit of riding here and see where we are at.

There’s different things have happened (here) before, 2017 was a great year but last year I had injuries. It’s a different year, it’s a new thing, the bikes are a different colour! I’m ready to go and do my best and do my race, I think that’s all you can do at the end of the day.

Riding for Standing Construct KTM

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The Standing Construct KTM, they are truly relaxed, they have given me the freedom to do what I want to do which has been different from the last few years. I basically just have my mechanic and do what I want, so I said, ‘right let’s go back to England and do a bit of riding.’ It’s nice, I’ve been in it long enough now, I don’t know everything but I’m learning every year and I know what works for me.

It’s just nice they support me, even the boss Tim Mathys said, ‘ just go and have some fun,’ I’m like ‘okay, fair enough I will!” It’s definitely a little bit different from how it’s been the last few years. But on the other hand they are very professional and have the infrastructure to do a good job, we have good material, we have a good bike, I think everything is solid. It’s early days it’s only the second round and I think everyone is trying to feel each other out and see where we are but at the end of they day I feel a step better from last year.

The qualifying race

The start is pretty good no matter where, I think I’m seventh now which is fine for tomorrow. I started really well and I came in, I think it was Tony pushed out a little too wide and I thought I would just miss him but I hit his rear wheel, then I hit some Yamaha, then I hit someone else then someone crashed and I run them over and I had a bit of a nightmare in the first few turns! But at the end of the day it’s all good fun and I enjoy racing, hopefully I don’t get as much roost tomorrow!