Interview: Tim Gajser

Tim Gajser starts the season impressive fashion coming from around fifth in both motos to get to the front, and only a late race crash cost him a double race win.

A 1-2 still got Tim the overall win in a great start to the year on one of his favourite tracks. We caught up with him in Honda’s fancy new truck to get his thoughts on two very impressive rides. Read or watch below:

It’s always a good day when you are holding a trophy, talk us through your day, pace-wise you were very impressive!

“Pretty happy with the beginning of the season. I knew the track would suit me, I really like coming here every year. We has a lot of luck with the weather. The track was really nice, really rough with so many lines. I have to be happy with the pace and everything, just the starts were not there so I had to come through the pack in both motos and also a little disappointed with the mistake I did with 3 laps to go when I was leading. Overall it was a good way to start the season. Really looking forward to the upcoming races.

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You passed a lot of your main rivals today in both motos, and caught Jorge again after that mistake. Confidence wise you must feel good?

Exactly. I’m feeling good, really happy with the bike. I’m really happy where we are with the bike, with myself at the moment. It was a good day.

How did you find the track? A lot of big ruts and choppy bumps, one maybe caught you out when you made that mistake, it looked easy to make mistakes!

I really like that we have the two day format back and it’s rougher than it was for the past two years when we just had one day of riding. The first moto was always like a flat track and I also like that they didn’t touch the track from Saturday to Sunday. Already first moto so many deep ruts, you really had to look for the lines, the track was really technical. Hopefully they are going to keep making tracks safe and rough.

You seemed have a lot better lines than the other riders, is that something that comes natural to you? Because both motos it was the same situation.

I had to look for lines if I wanted to make passes because the starts were not the best. Then when you are trying different lines you know the track more and can change the line and where you have to follow the other guy to not lose too much. I was changing a lot if lines during the moto but as soon as I got on the lead I stuck with the main line.

Those starts, they were looking really good at Riola, I wouldn’t say they were bad today but maybe not on the same level. What was the difference this weekend?

Here in Matterley I have always kind if struggled because it is a special start, starting from the top and immediately going down. We haven’t really trained or practiced on these kind of starts, but in the end it’s the same for everyone. I would say they were not that bad, the jumps were okay but I was a little bit behind the guys next to me and they closed me off and I had to brake – but still we are going to work on it!

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