Interview: Mattia Guadagnini on his first EMX125 victory!

When young Italian, Mattia Guadagnini looks back at the MXGP of Germany in the future he will have nice memories for all the right reasons.

The Maddi Husqvarna rider rode brilliant all weekend and won his first overall in the EMX125 series in Germany. It comes at the right time after a difficult start to the season too, the Italian broke his collarbone at Valkenswaard but he’s now put that well and truly behind him.

Despite only scoring points in three moto’s out of eight, the win lifts Guadagnini to thirteenth in the championship which is pretty impressive.

We caught up with Guadagnini after the races in Germany to discuss his impressive victory.

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Gatedrop: Mattia, a superb weekend for you winning your first EMX125 overall, it must feel great?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah it feels really good. I had a good timed practice and two good starts. In the first race I had a not so bad start and I could pass second. Rene Hofer was ten seconds ahead so I couldn’t catch him so I finished second. In the second race I got a not so bad start as I was in fifth and then I passed first after a few laps. In the last part of the race, Rene was faster than me and in the last lap he was right behind me. I controlled the race and finished first. I am very very happy.

Gatedrop: As you mentioned, Hofer was very close to you in the last few laps. Where you getting nervous underneath that helmet knowing the overall was at stake?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah, a lot (laughs). I was so nervous but I was able to hold on for the win.

Gatedrop: You’re not really used to winning but that should give you plenty of confidence heading into the rest of the season?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah, this is the first European race I’ve won and been happy with. The first three rounds went so bad. This is the first round to go so good and I hope to continue like this.

Gatedrop: Last year you were on TM machinery but this year you made the switch to Husqvarna. How do the two bikes compare?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah, the bike, the TM was good but I feel better on the Husqvarna. It’s more complete for me, the TM wasn’t so bad but the Husqvarna is better and the feeling is great, very good.

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Gatedrop: Last year the team had Gianluca Facchetti under the awning and he went onto win the 125cc Junior World Championship so you must feel that you have a good team behind you to progress?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah, it’s a very good team. They follow me a lot during training and the races and I’m very happy with how it’s going.

Gatedrop: Last year you got a podium on the TM so after you got on the podium you must have felt you wanted more of that coming into 2018?

Mattia Guadagnini: For sure, I hope that I’d be able to make another podium but the races haven’t been going so good but this weekend was great, I have to continue like this.

Gatedrop: You competed in the International Italian Championship and were riding great so you must have felt confident before the first round of the EMX125 series?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah, in the International Championship I won all the races and in the last race Rene Hofer was there but he wasn’t as fast as me. I won all the races and the championship so it was good.

Gatedrop: Valkenswaard didn’t go to plan as you broke your collarbone, that must have been a huge disappointment for you?

Mattia Guadagnini: That’s right, it was not a good moment for me. I was in sixth but I didn’t have such a big crash but it was so cold. I broke the collarbone and I stopped for one month and then came back in Latvia. The first race there I finished seventh after a bad start and in the second race I had a big crash in the warm up so I didn’t start the second race.  It was all okay and then I raced and won this weekend.

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Gatedrop: What are your goals for the rest of the season?

Mattia Guadagnini: I want to continue like this in the EMX125 Championship and also hope to race in the Junior World Championship. I’ll also do the rest of the Italian Championship too.

Gatedrop: You are quite a tall guy for a 125cc, do you have any plans for next year yet, maybe we’ll see you on a 250cc?

Mattia Guadagnini: Yeah, I’m so tall but for next season I don’t know what I’ll do yet. I can continue on the 125cc championship or ride a 250cc, we will see.

Pic: Niek Kamper

Interview: Arnold Kamper