Interview: Eddie Wade – Now I know I can run at the front!

He might be a rookie in the EMX125 series but British talent, Eddie Wade has the speed to run at the front of the very competitive class and he proved it in Germany.

Wade got a good start on his Jezyk KTM in the first moto and crossed the line in third which was a great result, it shows he just needs good starts to run the pace required at the front. It’s even more impressive that Wade picked up an injury at the start of the season which for a rookie can be a quite a big setback.

Despite missing round one of the series, Wade sits eleventh in the championship and is only six points from breaking into the top ten.

We caught up with the EMX125 rookie to discuss his season so far.

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Gatedrop: Eddie, two different kind of moto’s for you, can you just talk me through your day here in Germany? 

Eddie Wade: In the first moto I had a good start and that’s what I needed. Hofer got past me around the first corner but I was able to hold Mattia Guadagnini behind me for nearly the whole race. Just at the end he got passed me and escaped me a bit but I got third which was a very good improvement.

In the second moto I jumped off the start and there’s like a bar after the start, my back wheel hit that which meant the front end stuck into the ground and that was it, a bad start. In the second corner I was around fifteenth when someone fell off in front of me which cost me more time. I was passing them one by one, I got to about eleventh were I stayed in the end. My helmet weighed that much it pushed my goggles down and I had to go slow for a lap trying to clean them. I pushed again at the end but I wasn’t able to pass anymore.

Gatedrop: Does today just highlight how important it is to get a good start? In the first moto you had no problem running the pace with a good start but it’s tough coming through after a bad start! 

Eddie Wade: You really need a good start. The first 10-15 riders, there’s about a second in the lap times and if you don’t get a good start it’s very hard to pass. Especially in mud races with big deep ruts.

Gatedrop: Just how different was the track over the two days for the EMX125 riders? 

Eddie Wade: Saturday it was very deep ruts but I think it was deeper today (Sunday) even though there’s only been one session. There were a lot more bumps on Saturday though and it was more technical. It was a bit of a mud race on Sunday, really.

Gatedrop: Sometimes it’s important to remember you’re still only a rookie, as a rookie are you happy with were you are at the moment? 

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Eddie Wade: I’m very happy. There’s been a big improvement this weekend and now I know I can run with the front guys. This gives me a lot more confidence heading into the rest of the season.

Gatedrop: You had an injury earlier in the season, are you 100% now with that truly behind you? 

Eddie Wade: Yeah, I’m 100% now which is good. I picked it up a week before Valkenswaard, I tried to ride there but it just wasn’t possible. Then I went to Italy, I was seventh in the first race which give me more confidence. Now I’ve got third in a moto which is my best result to date.

Gatedrop: Just going back to last year, you won the 85cc Junior World Championship. Just how great did it feel to follow in the footsteps of Conrad Mewse and Steven Clarke? 

Eddie Wade: That day was unbelievable. Unfortunately Loket was cancelled for the EMX85 and the world finals were sand, so I knew it was going to be difficult to win. When I crossed the line, I couldn’t explain what it felt like.

Gatedrop: When you look at Rene Hofer last year, he was a rookie but a year on and he’s much stronger now. Are you looking at him and hoping to do something similar next year? 

Eddie Wade: I reckon as a rookie I’m stronger. By the end of the season I’m hoping to be on the podium and then we will see what comes.

Gatedrop: What are your goals for the rest of the season? 

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Eddie Wade: My goals are to get good starts as that’s very important. I want to run with the top five, top three every weekend.

Gatedrop: I believe you were born in England but as a family you decided to move to Spain, what was the reason for that and are you happy there? 

Eddie Wade: Actually my dad decided to move to Spain because he broke too many bones and I was born in Spain, I’ve lived there all my life now so it’s normal.

Gatedrop: Have you any sort of deals in place for next year yet? 

Eddie Wade: I don’t know about next year yet. I signed a one year deal with KTM but hopefully another one will come.

Pic: Martin Plesnik

Interview: Andy McKinstry