Interview: Marvin Musquin

It was a tough weekend at Budds Creek for Marvin Musquin after a big practice crash meant the Frenchman couldn’t take advantage of poor starts by Eli Tomac and close down the points gap going into the final round at Ironman.

Musquin isn’t giving up just yet but, as he said to our guy Doug Turney, he knows it’s mistakes from Eli that will make the difference as he needs some help to win the title.

Marvin, I just want to talk to a little bit about last week, can you our readers a bit of an insight, you talked last week about you had a crash, is that still bothering you? 

I am feeling a lot better but that was very rough before Budds Creek. After the crash I thought my season was over but I recovered quick. Budds Creek was tough but I still got a podium which was awesome and battling for the win in the first moto it was actually good (in the circumstances). Obviously I was not 100% and I was really flat at the end of the motos but I have my best and got some good points and that was all I got. Now I am feeling better and I am excited for tomorrow, the track was good for press day and it’s the last round so got to enjoy it.  

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This weekend you have to beat Eli to win the championship, do you approach things any differently? 

No, it’s not in my hands right now, I can just give my best and that’s all I can do.  

What do you think of the track? 

Yeah, I always love coming here, when you see the ground how soft it is, I heard they got some rain. It develops big ruts and bumps and it was super technical, it’s definitely different to what we see all year long and at my practice track.  The fans were really excited to us ride in press day, there is no  pressure and we were doing some whips and stuff and the fans were really happy there. 

Musquin Pic: Doug Turney

There might be some rain tomorrow morning, could that be an advantage for you? 

No, it’s the same for everyone, anything can happen in the mud. You can have mechanical problems, or get stuck. That track if it rains, it’s muddy and sticky, not like Unadilla! At Unadilla you can kind of get away with the mud, it was a bit heavy this year but here it’s more like clay and heavy dirt. If it rains and gets sticky, it will be tough. You never know what you are going to get with this race here. 

This is your last year of the season, any plans from next week? 

Not really, doing nothing sounds like a good plan a t home. We are so wide open every day with the training, and the racing and travelling, then recovering. It’s been a very long season and September will be off for me, at least a couple of weeks, especially not being picked for MXoN I have a little bit more time then I will start riding and getting prepped for Monster Cup. 

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Will you be heading back to France for a vacation? 

Yeah definitely, I don’t get to see them all year long, so I will go and visit my brother and my family.  

Interview and pics: Doug Turney