Interview: Florian Miot on adapting to the British Championship and gearing up for EMX250

Young French talent, Florian Miot has plenty of European experience and even got on the podium contesting the EMX125 series at Matterley Basin last year.

Coming into the 2021 season, Miot signed a deal with a British team, the PAR Homes Husqvarna team which has seen him race the first four rounds of the MX2 British Championship. Miot says the tracks are different from tracks he’s used to from the EMX series and it’s been tough to adapt.

“I concluded and signed the contract with PAR Homes Husqvarna thanks to Dominique from Doma. For the moment, everything is going well, I have a good team and a good understanding with them. The start of the British championship season was a bit complicated, I didn’t get the results I expected and the tracks are very different from European tracks. It’s quite difficult to adapt”.

Miot is enjoying riding with British riders and had his best result of the British MX2 campaign at Foxhill, perhaps that isn’t a shock as it’s similar to a typical French hard pack track.

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“English riders are mostly cool even if this is not the case for everyone but it’s nice to ride with them. For the moment there has been a lot of sand, normally I like sand but the English tracks are really different apart from the Foxhill track which was a lot more like a French field and that’s why I made a great performance there”. 

As he’s part of the PAR Homes Husqvarna team it means Miot works closely with team manager, Neil Prince who is a former Grand Prix rider himself and he’ll be hoping to help take Miot to the next step of his career.

“Neil Prince is a very great person and he has always good advice for me. I have a good understanding with him. I’m looking forward to this weekend. My goal is to be in the top ten during the first round and improve throughout the course of the EMX250 season”. 

The EMX250 series is stacked full of talent but Miot has the pedigree and talent to run at the front but he’s going into his rookie season so it’s important for him to learn as much as he can over the course of the season.

Interview: Andy McKinstry