Interview: Andrea Adamo on his impressive French MX2 GP and challenging for the World title

Every year Italian talent, Andrea Adamo gets better and better! For the 2023 season he was able to secure a full factory ride with KTM and he’s been superb. Already a GP win and a number of podiums means he is only a point off the championship lead and taking the red plate.

We caught up with the Italian to discuss his season so far and more.

GateDrop: Andrea, the starts were your weak point this weekend but the speed, wow! Especially in that second moto, there was only a couple of riders behind you at the start and the way you came through the field, so much momentum, it was maybe even the best you’ve ever rode…

Adamo: Yeah, for sure. I think it was an amazing weekend. I think this one was one of the best moto’s of the year so far. I am really happy with it. We will keep going this way because I really think we are going a good way. I am now only one point behind Jago and we will go to Latvia to give the best as possible.

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GateDrop: What was your thoughts on the track? Day one was like an enduro and day two was still rough after some track prep but you excelled so you must have been a fan of the track…

Adamo: Yeah, I think yesterday was way too much. It was quite dangerous and sketchy, I didn’t have the best feeling actually. But today, was better, was quite fast the track but it was okay.

GateDrop: You seem to get better every year, coming into this year did you change much coming into the season? Having the Factory KTM team behind you and working closer with Joel Smets perhaps and of course Cairoli…

Adamo: I mean everything changed. Not only somethings, everything changed. With Antonio and Joel, we made really good work, especially with Joel so everything changed.

GateDrop: What’s it like having Cairoli in your corner as well? He knows how to win GP’s and world titles, how does he help?

Adamo: I mean, Antonio is Antonio, you know? He helps us all a lot, when we ask he always have some good advice for us with all the experience that he has.

GateDrop: You won a GP earlier in the year and you said you were quite surprised after you won, I mean I don’t know why because I thought you’d win on sooner than later, now you are probably a championship contender…

Adamo: At this point, I say yes, I am a championship contender. But at the beginning of the year and still now, the goal is not only to think about the championship but just to do like what we did this weekend. We will do our best every weekend to be there.

Interview: Andy McKinstry