Interview: Alessandro Lupino on Gebben Racing and becoming a dad

The last few weeks have been great for Alessandro Lupino as not only is he having a good season but he’s recently become a father away from the track.

The Italian rode great in the first moto in to come home in a superb eighth position, he was holding off the likes of Gautier Paulin and Romain Febvre with just a few laps to go. The Gebben Kawasaki rider took another good start in the second moto but then collided with Clement Desalle when it looked like another top ten finish on the cards. Unfortunately, it meant Lupino finished in fifteenth to secure eleventh overall.

We caught up with Lupino after Loket to discuss his season, recently becoming a dad and what he does with the police back in Italy.

NOTE: Shortly after the interview, it was confirmed that Lupino has extended his deal with the Gebben Van Venrooy Kawasaki team, you can read more about that here.

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Gatedrop: Alessandro, that was a good GP for you and probably the best of the season for you so far. Can you talk me through your races?

Alessandro Lupino: Yeah, for sure that was the best riding of the year. A good point is that we had two good starts and especially the second one. In the first moto I was riding with the factory bikes and that for us that is really important because now there’s a big step between a private and a factory team. To be there with them takes a lot so I enjoyed that.

The second moto was actually nearly a holeshot and then Desalle hit me from the back but for sure it wasn’t on purpose. I went down and then I couldn’t push like how I wanted. I am happy because we are always close to them and it’s where I want to be. When you ride good you have fun on the bike, I really enjoy the Kawasaki and I love to ride like this.

Gatedrop: You were running in the top five, how did that feel because it’s been a while since you’ve been at the sharp end! 

Alessandro Lupino: Yeah I haven’t been at the front with them since 2013. I have to tell you that its much easier than at the back because at the back it’s war. You can’t stay easy because someone will hit you or something, they’re more aggressive at the back. At the front it’s much easier to ride because they know what they’re doing and they’re more smooth. It’s much easier at the front than at the back, the back is a war and they don’t care, they don’t give a sh*t. The front is more easy.

Gatedrop: A few weeks ago your partner give birth to a baby girl. How’s the first few weeks of being a father been? 

Alessandro Lupino: Really nice, she’s good! I’m lucky because I have a good wife and especially a good mum. She takes care of her a lot. She came to her first race here at this one and it was my best ride of the year, maybe even of my career so they bring luck to me. There’s not one moto or one race that compares with the birth of your baby. It was just after the Ottobiano race on Monday morning at five o’clock we had her, it’s something you can’t describe, it’s something really nice. You only realise at that moment that you become a dad!

Gatedrop: You spent a few years with the Assomotor Honda team, how would you describe your time with that team? You also seem happy with the Gebben Kawasaki team! 

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Alessandro Lupino: I spent three years with them. For sure it was good years but we didn’t have good results, we struggled a lot. We struggled a lot with the bike, only the new Honda last year was better. I chose by myself to go to Gebben and the results are coming, they are happy and I happy too because I made the decision to move to Gebben. I went more for the glory and less for the money. In our sport we also have to think about that because you can’t go only for the money. It was a good choice for me so I am happy.

Gatedrop: Italy for the Motocross Des Nations, are you looking forward to going to America? 

Alessandro Lupino: For sure, we are ready. Team Italy is not out yet, they are waiting I think for Lommel but it should be myself, Tony and Cervellin. I think this year we are stronger, stronger than the past year. We are like we were in 2013 with Philippaerts, Cervellin is doing good moto’s and I improve a lot so I am excited to go to RedBud. There everything is different, America go faster there at a home track but you never know.

Gatedrop: For next year have you a deal with Gebben or is it still to be decided? 

Alessandro Lupino: In a couple of days we will know more but I can tell you we are close. I have a few options yet to think about in the next days but I would like to stay with Kawasaki because we’ve improved each other. The team has improved and I’ve improved with them. It would be stupid if I left so soon I will decide but for sure I will stay with them.

Gatedrop: I remember reading when you were racing in MX2 that you had a part-time job with the Italian police, is that still the case? 

Alessandro Lupino: Yeah, I am still a policeman but it’s a little bit different, I am in the sports police. There’s like Motocross, road racing and running or whatever. I’m in the sport group so I don’t go so much in the office or on the road yet. I go to expo days, some shows. I also have to race the Italian Championship with those shirts. I am proud to be a policeman because it’s nice, every 2 or 3 months we go shoot with the gun, it’s something special. I am proud to be part of the police group.

Interview: Andy McKinstry

Pic: Niek Kamper