Coty Schock extends stay with ClubMX Yamaha

It was just a short time ago that Coty Schock was out of a ride and ClubMX took a gamble on him. He vowed at that point to repay the team with results and he has done just that. He currently sits in fifth place in the Eastern Regional Supercross Series and is a mere three points out of fourth. An amazing feat for a guy that jumped to a new team, new bike and new crew. His amiable personality endears him to the entire team and his expressions of gratitude complete the circle. Simply put, everyone wants to see him succeed and he is willing to put in the time to learn everything he can before his contract expires at the end of the SX season in May.

All of that changed as of today. Coty Schock has two new contracts with ClubMX, the first taking him full-time from 2025 for three years for Supercross and Motocross. The second is a new program to take him through motocross in 2024. There was a gap in contracts due to the fact that he was Supercross only in 2024 but the team was able to make a few moves to get him the support necessary to keep him on the team straight through.

Schock has been one of the standout performances of the year so far. He had consistent finishes at the start of the season, then a cracked collarbone in Daytona followed by a broken collarbone in Birmingham. That led to the “what are you doing here?” moment in Indy where he arrived five days post-surgery to complete a triple crown race in fifth place. If you “Google” determination on your smart phone, Schock’s photo pops up first. Much to his credit, those valuable points were worth the pain since that race was followed by a nice break in the schedule. His return to racing this weekend in Foxborough comes with one hundred percent fitness and the relief of no contract discussions for the next three years.

Team Owner, Brandon Haas:

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“Coty is a good person. We were able to make a spot for him just for Supercross this season and he has parlayed that into a long-term contract. I have always tried to offer opportunities to racers that show promise and could use the help and Coty falls in that category. The difference now is, he’s the real deal. He is willing to listen, learn and give feedback to improve himself, our bike and our program overall. Congratulations to him for taking advantage of the situation, it’s a good lesson to anyone trying to break into the sport.”

Schock added:

“I don’t want to be anywhere else. The atmosphere is amazing, the tracks are unbelievable, and the bike is crazy good. When I’m on the line, I feel like there isn’t another bike better than mine and that shows in my performance so far. The cool thing is the team is already building for the future with more improvements in the bike and the program overall. I’m really happy to be here at this time to be a part of the next level of growth. Beyond that, thank you to the entire team for making this happen. Everyone at ClubMX has a part in my success and I’m grateful every day for the chance to be here and stay here.”

Look for Schock to line up this weekend in Foxborough to continue his consistent streak of finishes with a smile on his face, knowing the future is bright.

Schock currently sits fifth in the 250SX East Region standings, only eight points out of third.

Words: Press Release

Image: Octopi Media