Video: Stewart takes out Anderson

After winning his heat race, Malcolm Stewart made a stupid move on Jason Anderson that cost himself the shot at a home win and ruined the championship battle between eventual race winner Eli Tomac and Anderson on lap one of the main event.

Anderson bumped Tomac who bumped Stewart a couple of turns before, and that appeared to be the final straw for Malcolm after what happened last weekend. Stewart lost his rag, making a ridiculous decision to go for revenge at the expense of his own night, when the pass wasn’t even on, leaving both riders on the deck together for the second consecutive Saturday night.

Stewart ended up eighth with Anderson ninth and Anderson is now 18 points behind Tomac in the series.

Stewart said: ““I had a little mishap in the Main Event – I didn’t have the best start and then I got into it with Anderson and Tomac and I got knocked off the track, and then Anderson and I went down in the next turn and we got back up and we fought. We felt good tonight and it was a good ride for us despite what happened, but that’s part of racing. We’re going to take what we learned and keep moving forward.”