Video: Pass of the season so far by Gajser?

Tim Gajser put a classy two for one move on of all people Jeffrey Herlings AND Jorge Prado, to take the lead and subsequently the win after holding off Jeffrey Herlings at the end of the moto in Agueda.

Prado finished seventh and now only has a seven points lead on Gajser going into tomorrow’s motos.

Gajser said of the move: “I had a good start but I ran too wide and so Jorge passed me from the inside and also Jeffrey was really aggressive in the first couple of corners… I knew I had to pass immediately so I was just going out and cutting in, I surprised both of them. I was in the lead and leading quite comfortably but then we came into the lappers and its mainly one line so it’s not easy to pass. Hopefully we can do the same tomorrow.”