Video: Jett Lawrence down twice!

Jett Lawrence crashed out fo the lead while looking like he had the race in the back with only a couple of laos to go – then crashed into the back of Vince Friese when he was looking to pass Webb back for the lead on the last lap! Jett admitted after he should have been looking further ahead on the track to avoid Friese!

Jett said: ““The bike was feeling great, I was feeling good, and yeah, just got caught off guard. Sometimes you’re the hammer, sometimes you’re the nail, and I ended up nailing that Tuff Blox… Just a little mistake, almost saved it; but got back up, bars were bent but we still had some fuel in the tank and I tried going after Cooper. And just, silly mistake [for the second crash], I should have seen the lapper was going to stop. I just didn’t think enough far ahead. But the boys were riding great tonight. Congrats to Eli, AP and Cooper, they were riding awesome. Another learning curve for me, and on to Daytona, [I’m] excited to race there.”