Video: Friese wipes Craig out

Vince Friese wiped Christian Craig out of the lead big time race two at Glendale – but Craig still got back to fourth to give himself second overall after a 1-4-1 behind winner, Hunter Lawrence.

An angry Craig said: “I think everybody knows how I feel about that situation, Vince is going to Vince. It’s super frustrating, I have had so many encounters with him and I am always on the other side. One year at the Monster Cup he cleaned me out and broke my hand and nothing happens, then this happens we are wide open in the sand corner and he comes out of nowhere and we clip bars, I went flying and I think I almost hit that wall. something needs to be done. It’s dangerous, that should not be done. It’s one thing when he is faster and trying to pass people but when people are trying to pass him, it dangerous, he’s cross-jumping people he’s doing what he did to me tonight. I’m very sour about it.”

On a penalty for Vince, Craig said: “I was super heated, I had AMA in the truck, I said you gotta do something, they assessed the situation and he was back on the line (for the next moto). I don’t know, I’m not AMA, I feel like probation doesn’t really do anything.”

You can see the damage on Craig after the crash below: