Video: Brayton and Tanti crash Abu Dhabi WSX – Tanti injured

Justin Brayton and Aaron Tanti’s WSX in Abu Dhabi only lasted until the first rhythm section of the first main event of the night when things went wrong and the riders came together with Tanti ending up under Brayton’s machine!

Unfortunately both riders were too sore to continue with Brayton saying, “that hurt!”

Aaron Tanti though wasn’t as lucky, saying: “Unfortunately last night I was involved in a start incident just tagging bars with a rider and then getting landed on, no body’s fault as such just a racing incident in a tight space. I’ve sustained a few rib fractures & just some nice abrasions down my back. I won’t be able to fly for few days but the health care over here is really great and I’m being looked after. Thankyou to my team owner Craig for making sure everything is sorted & my partner for jumping on a plane to come over here to help me out! Will post a better update throughout the week, Thanks to all my supporters.”