Vialle compares his supercross win to a GP victory

Tom Vialle says his supercross wins feel even better than a GP victory because of his lack of supercross experience and the fact the only reason he moved to the USA was for supercross, not the outdoor because the GP series is so strong.

“Yeah, for me it’s actually I would say nicer,” offered Vialle on the comparison. “I won my first GP in 2019 in Europe. That was pretty amazing because in Europe we only have like, let’s say outdoor tracks. So, we don’t really ride supercross.

“That’s actually why I feel like I would say more happy than winning a supercross right now because that’s why I moved here. I moved to race supercross and to one day win a supercross and a title. So that’s why after my two titles in Europe I decided to move here for the supercross, actually because I mean, if it was only outdoor, the series is pretty good in Europe.

“I moved here to race to race supercross. So that’s why I’m pretty happy to win. I would say it’s better for me right now to win a supercross.”

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He also said he prefers leading and feels more comfortable at the front because it reminds him of when he raced GP’s…

“I mean, it was quite a while that I didn’t win back-to-back races. But it is nice, it reminds me a little bit of when I was winning in Europe, the GPs, and I had quite a few wins. That’s why when I was talking with my mechanic and I said when I’m in front leading the race, I just felt the best actually. I just can do my laps and focus on my line and that’s when I ride my best, when I lead the race. And it was quite a while, to be honest, that I didn’t lead a race. Since Daytona, it’s like I remember when I lead the race, I just have way more fun than when I’m battling around third or fourth. So, I just want to have some great starts again and be able to be up front and win some other race for sure.”

America are starting to see the real Tom Vialle…

Image: Feld Entertainment Inc.