Steve Dixon on the chances of a British MXGP in 2021

Geoff Meyer from MXLarge has been in contact with Steve Dixon who puts a lot into the sport – not only does he run a team but he’s also the man behind the British MXGP.

The current 2021 MXGP calendar hasn’t got Matterley Basin on it but the calendar is expected to change. With the fly away races being a question mark, Infront would then need to look for other tracks in Europe that could run a GP. There’s already been talks about Riola running a GP and Dixon also says he’s confident a British GP will happen in 2021.

“Obviously I always have contact with Infront, and we (British GP) are an option and there is a good chance there will be a British GP. However, you don’t want to come here as we can start shortly, then have a break before the next round because other countries are not as progressive with the vaccine. We always talk, and we are always there to help each other”, Dixon told 

“No, it is pointless coming to the UK because we are the most advanced with the vaccine and we have a clear pathway, but it is pointless coming here and then not having anywhere else to go. But I am confident we will have a British GP at some point in 2021”, added Dixon. 

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It sounds fairly positive that we could still see a British MXGP in 2021 which is great news – fingers crossed it all falls into place.

Source: MXLarge

Pic: Infront Moto Racing