Results: British GP – MXGP – Gajser on top!

Tim Gajser took a strong moto one win at Matterley Basin after Jeremy Seewer crashed out of the lead with two laps to go! Maxime Renaux took third but was on the pace of the leaders as Prado dropped from first to fourth but almost passed Renaux back on the last lap in an exhilarating first moto of 2022!

Tim Gajser looked set to do the double after working his way by Seewer, Coldenhoff and then running down a fleeing Prado to take the lead with four laps to go – only to then hit the deck and give Prado the lead back! Gajser closed him down again but Prado held on, using some of Tim’s lines to do so to take the moto win posting his fastest lap of the race on the final circulation, but it was Gajser who took the overall victory.

Image: InFront Moto Racing