Renaux injury update – difficult to accept

Maxime Renaux has given an update on his injury sustained in Spain and, just like Eli Tomac, didn’t even crash in what was a brutal weekend for Yamaha with their two top guys in each respective series now out of the title conversation.

Renax said: Difficult to accept. Yesterday in qualifying race in Spain, after the finish line, I lost the front on the rhythm section and had to put my foot down to not fall. Result is a multiple fracture on the foot/ankle, need to make further exams to decide how to operate and the time of recovery.

I have had many struggles since the begin of the season, getting a mononucleosis early this year and barely being able to train on the bike from end of January till now. Hurting my shoulder before Portugal and being really limited in power for the last two GP.

I tried to fight through it to make it happen, but now I need time to fix everything. Thanks for the support. My time will come, trust me it will come.

Get well soon Maxime.

Image: Yamaha