Prado on a scintillating race win in Lugo

Image: InFront Moto Racing

This was a statement ride from a sizzling Jorge Prado at home in Spain. The Spaniard didn’t even holeshot gating top five as Herlings and Gajser went at it out front in the first couple of laps.

Prado steadied himself in third, holding off Febvre and then found his groove. Laying down the laps at the halfway mark to catch and pass Herlings then reel in Gajser’s two second lead in about a lap and then make the pass that would see him take the win even if Gajser stayed with range.

Prado passed all his main rivals, this was as straight up as it gets and the cool, calm and collected Prado said after: “It wasn’t too bad of a start, I passed a few guys and they passed me back. Once I made a few passes and got to Jeff I knew I had to pass Jeffrey,  I spent a couple of laps watch their rhythm and when when they were going too slow, I made the pass. I got to Gajser quickly and got the pass done and enjoyed the ride.”