MXGP live timing Riola – Prado v Herlings?

Jorge Prado has the chance to make another statement at Riola if he can beat Jeffrey Herlings in the sand.

Prado is himself a brilliant sand rider and might just be on the form of his life as Herlings seeks to start erasing the 37 point gap Prado has already accrued on the five time world champ.

In MX2 De Wolf will be looking to make it three in a row and he is of course sensational in sand, but Coenen and Laengenfelder aren’t too shabby either!

Follow the weekend live below:

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08:20 WMX Free Practice, 08:50 EMX125 Group 1 Free Practice, 09:20 EMX125 Group 2 Free Practice, 09:50 WMX Qualifying Practice, 10:30 MX2 Free Practice, 11:00 MXGP Free Practice, , 12:30 EMX125 Group 1 Qualifying Practice, 13:05 EMX125 Group 2 Qualifying Practice, 13:40 MX2 Time Practice, 14:15 MXGP Time Practice, 15:00 WMX Race 1, 15:45 EMX125 Race 1, 16:35 MX2 RAM Qualifying Race, 17:25 MXGP RAM Qualifying Race.


09:45 WMX Race 2, 10:25 MX2 Warm-up, 10:45 MXGP Warm-up, 11:30 EMX125 Race 2, 13:15 MX2 Race 1, 14:15 MXGP Race 1, 16:10 MX2 Race 2, 17:10 MXGP Race 2.

Live timing


Image: InFront Moto Racing