Mitch Evans injury update – waiting on surgery

Mitch Evans is still waiting on wrist surgery in Australia after a botched initial surgery in Italy. The fast Aussie who was expected to a a thread this year, won’t be getting surgery until July meaning it will be a race against time to return this season.

A frustrated Evans said: “As many of you know I have made the hard decision of returning to Australia for another surgery on my wrist. Unfortunately the first surgery I had in Milan missed the opportunity to have a great result and I have been dealing with a lot of pain and lack of movement ever since. The pain I was experiencing while riding was not going to allow me to race competitively and therefore the decision was made to have a radioscapholunate fusion by Dr Steven Andrews. Due to Australia’s current Covid restrictions the earliest I can have surgery is middle of July which then I will do everything to get back on the bike as soon as I can!”

Image: Bavo