Lawrence Brothers forced to pull out of Paris SX

Hunter and Jett Lawrence have just informed the organizer that they will not be able to make their European Supercross debut in Paris on November 12 and 13…

Recently the two Australian riders, who arrived in the USA at the end of 2018 but never raced outside the country since, discovered an unexpected complication in their status vis-à-vis the American Immigration services, a legal problem which does not allow them to come to Europe. nowadays. The Lawrence brothers were therefore forced to hastily cancel their participation in Paris.

“We are absolutely sorry for this situation, both vis-à-vis the organizer and the French fans and Honda France, to whom we ask to believe in our absolute sincerity. We were happy to run in Paris! We are of course formally committed to doing so next year, exclusively for Paris, knowing that this cannot lessen the disappointment of the spectators, which we share from the bottom of our hearts”, said the Australians.

“It is sad for us, organizers, not to be able to present the announced program, whereas the Lawrence brothers had confirmed their presence to us more than a year ago” , declared Sophie Casasnovas, President of Larivière Organisation. “We offer our most sincere apologies to our loyal public. We take note of those of Hunter and Jett as well as their future commitment to the Paris Supercross, but our priority today is to compensate for this heavy defection in the most sincere way, transparent and brilliant as possible. We are working hard on it and will communicate about it very quickly”.

Words: Press Release