Jason Meara interview

Jason Meara narrowly lost out on his third title of the season after an epic battle with Glenn McCormick for the Ulster MX2 championship.

Meara came up short by just one frustrating point, but it is a year and a championship he can be proud of with some fantastic battles with McCormick all season long and both riders reaching level of speed and intensity no-one else could match.

Despite his disappointment, Jason was kind enough to give us an interview a few minutes after the race and give his us thoughts on an emotional and intense day at Tinker Hill.

It looked like it was going to go your way in that last moto until the mistake and then it was all on the last lap and you came around with a bike issue…

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It was a frustrating day. We came in one point ahead, but you could forget about the rest of the championship it was all down to today. The last race I got into the lead and was riding comfortably out front and just a silly mistake and went down when the back-end went out over a rut. Glenn got me and he had a bit of a gap, then I ran him back down and I made a move on the last lap but the two of us came together and I broke my gear lever.

So, I couldn’t fight right to the end of the lap, I might have got him, I might not have got him, who knows? I would have fought to the end but fair play to Glenn, the better man won.

Meara on the gas Pic: Nigel McKinstry

When you noticed the gear lever had broken did your heart sink?

Yeah there is a bit of devastation,you put all the work in through the year and then something like that can ruin it. But there is no point making excuses we will come back next year and try to go one better.

The pace all year you had with Glenn, there was no-one really close to either of you! It was an impressive level you were riding at!

I think me and Glenn were a step ahead to everyone this year over here. I think it was proven there today that on our day there is nobody who can get near us. The battles between us are good, I’m enjoying racing with him and long at it continue.

Meara went all out in the final moto for the title.

It seems fairly clean racing the majority of the time between you both!

Yeah, well generally, obviously you had an Ulster championship on the line today so it was a bit of a different story. None of us are going to give and inch but we both fought hard and at the end of the day Glenn won the championship and you can’t take it away from him.

That last moto, with the pressure of the title, was your stomach churning on the line?

No, believe it or not that last race was the most relaxed. I just kept telling myself what will be, will be. I was confident I could win but it just didn’t work out that way!

Meara and McCormick went at it this closely all year for the Ulster title!