Interview: Valerio Lata starts his EMX250 season with a win

Despite not coming into the EMX250 100% fit, it was a superb start to the season for young Italian talent, Valerio Lata – it couldn’t have gone any better as he took the win at the first round.

We caught up with Lata after his win which you can watch/listen or read below:

GateDrop: Valerio, an unbelievable start of the season it came down to the last few laps there, you must be over the moon to get to get the overall for the first round of this Championship.

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Lata: Yes, good start of the championship. Yesterday I take the position and win the race one. Today I had a good start but in the second lap I crashed and I think I went back to 10th position. I pushed very hard to win the GP and make the pass on the last lap. To win the GP and have the red plate is so good to start off the championship and to win it.

GateDrop: The way you won must feel amazing. I mean you sort of came from nowhere there with two laps to go and you were able to pass those two guys to get the job done – it must feel amazing to do it under those circumstances?

Lata: Yes, I looked to the front to Reisulis and Valin so I had to push on last lap and push to win the GP so this is a good.

GateDrop: I think you had an injury coming into the season and you’re probably not even 100% so to win maybe not being 100% must feel fantastic?

Lata: Yes, I crashed in the training one month ago and had to restart with the bike on Sunday and win at Mantova for the Italian championship. This week I only had one training on the bike so to have a good race here and win, is great!

Image: MXGP/Infront Moto Racing

GateDrop: How does it feel on the bike, is there any pain when you are riding?

Lata: My hand, I broke my hand and now it’s good. It feels okay on the bike with no pain, it is okay.

GateDrop: What was your thoughts on the Spanish track? Yesterday was very very rutty but overnight they put a lot of water – very different conditions…

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Lata: Yesterday the track is very good and so so fun but today this morning so mad – yes I prefer the track off yesterday.

GateDrop: You are obviously still with the Beddini team but this year they have official support from GasGas and it looks like the equipment and the machinery is even better which is obviously good for you…

Lata: Yes, I have good training with my team in the winter and good training now and so now we look at the championship.  The Italian championship and the European championship.

GateDrop: There’s a long way to go but what’s your goals this year? To win EMX250 and then race MX2 in 2025?

Lata: The goal for now, the goal is win the Italian championship and European and next year I don’t know yet.

GateDrop: Obviously you’re Italian and you are good friends with Antonio Cairoli – is he a rider that you’ve looked up to throughout your career and obviously he’s retired now but Italy is still in good hands with yourself…

Lata: Yes, I have had good trainings with Tony and with the team. We have had good training so good preparation for the championship.

GateDrop: How do you feel in the sand ahead of a few sand races this year? Do you do you feel good in those conditions as well?

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Lata: Yes, I have a good sensation on the sand and we will go to Belgium to ride the sand before the sand GP’s. But I do prefer the hard pack conditions.

GateDrop:  Do you think this year you could maybe do a few MX2 GP’s as we’ve seen you do a few in the past?

Lata: I think we can do a few MX2 World Championships but the full focus is on the EMX250 championship.

Interview: Andy McKinstry

Images: MXGP/Infront Moto Racing