Interview: Stefan Everts on Liam and Prado

Stefan Everts was a proud father watching Liam come back from injury in style to go 3-4-6 in Spain and be right back on the pace straight away after breaking his thumb just four weeks prior. We caught up with Stefan just before he left for the airport to get his thoughts on a very positive weekend for Liam as well as his opinion on Jorge Prado in the USA and that sensational performance from the reigning world champ in Spain as he dominated his competition.

Stefan Everts, really good ride for Liam. I was surprised how competitive he was, were you surprised for his first race in I guess four weeks and not much bike time?

No sure I was surprised. You know we didn’t know what to expect and he was 23 days off the bike so the healing process went really really quick. He just did three three sessions of riding just before coming here so it was not too much but physically he was still in in in good shape. He trained really hard on that side and yeah, you don’t know what to expect, you know speed wise, where is he? But first moto he showed really good speed and you know Kay was exceptionally fast and but he he was competing with the second and third place, they came really close over the finish line.

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Second moto, I think he blew it he blew it a bit in the in the first half lap and then he started to struggle and I think whole motor was a bit of a struggle for him. He didn’t complain about his thumb so that was good, he can get better from here and think he scored some good points. But yeah, it was a very positive weekend.

Were you able to help him mentally after the injury? You’ve been through that yourself working all winter feeling good and then getting injured, is that where you can really help his mindset to turn that around quickly?

Liam is really, really strong on that side you know? A couple of hours after they knew what was going on and what needed to happen you already put the click in his head and he started to look positive. Before the operation he was already making his plans and looking at it on the positive side. So, yeah, he’s really good on that side.

Just a word on Jorge Prado. You did AMA Supercross in 92 with not much prep, his results were kind of similar to yours where you both showed you could do it, you have the technical ability. What were your thoughts on his performance and what are your memories of your Supercross season?

Well I remember coming back from the US, I was coming back and smoking everybody! The aggression you build up run supercross is immense and yeah, I mean, you only can get that with supercross and you can see that. But other that, Jorge became world champion and you see that he has a big confidence. He shows that in his riding and his riding looks really easy and comfortable.

You don’t need to take any risk and push you know? Starts are good, so at the moment he’s on another planet. The season is still long so it still can go any direction

It looks like he’s going to go to America, you choose to stay in GPs. Do you think it’s a good move for him or given the level he is at in GPs, would it be better for him to stay?

It’s not up to me to decide that you know that’s up to Jorge. I think he’s for sure uh he’s got the capabilities to do that and go to the US and and try and compete on a high level there. He showed that in the races he has done so far, so if he if he makes a decision it’s a dream for him. For a long time he’s been speaking about it and I think now it’s the time to do it if you really wants to do it. It’s now the time, if you wait a few more years then it’s too late.

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He looks like you on the bike – just a bit a bit smaller! Do you feel like you’re watching yourself around there, especially today, he was perfect!

Yeah many people say that, you know? That we look very similar in riding style and of course it’s nice to hear that and yeah, Jorge is exceptional. He has a super talent to ride a motorcycle and it’s very natural to him and for me it was the same. So yeah, in a way we look similar but he’s a different personality and he’s different in other ways and that’s good for the fans you know have an idol like like Jorge. He’s a very big example for the sport and and a great Ambassador and

Is it nice to have America give you credit for your riding style even if it’s through Jett Lawrence?

It’s very, very nice of the Lawrence family to still respect the time that we spent together in Europe. We gave it all to to the family and they gave it all to us and it’s nice that they don’t didn’t forget good days we had together. And I’m enjoying a lot seeing Jett doing so well in supercross and I wish him the best you know? And even also Hunter, he had some struggles there at one point but I think he still can learn a lot from his younger brother, Jett.

Interview and Image: Jonathan McCready