Interview: Simon Laengenfelder – on form!

Simon Laengenfelder has had a fantastic season but unfortunately broken arm earlier in the season put paid to his world title hopes – however his form at the end of the season shows that he would have been in the world championship title fight if he had stayed fit.

We caught up with Simon at Maggiora after the German had two wins and second place that saw him take second overall.

Twp very strong motos in Maggiora, what were your thoughts on the day?

Yeah it was a good weekend for me. I could win the qualifying race on Saturday, I passed Jago and Camden crashed and I got first. In the first race and second race I had the holeshot which helped, the first race I could make a nice gap and manage it to the end. But the second one was a tough one, Jago was very fast and he passed me, we had a very high pace but unfortunately I couldn’t pass him back. It was still a very nice race and I could show we both had really great speed, let’s see how Matterley Basin will be.

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You looked really comfortable on the track in the wet and dry, very patient on the throttle, did it suit your style?

I think the first race suited me better than the second one but in total, it was a nice track for me.

The MXoN you have Ken Roczen and Tom Koch, your team is very string this year, do you think you can get a podium?

Yeah, it’s possible, there are many strong teams. I think all the three of us need to do good and let’s see what will happen.

Matterley Basin this weekend, where you won your first Grand Prix, you must be confident going there?

Yeah, I like this track. For sure it will be different but I am looking forward to it.

Just on your injury, you came back really well but you probably would have been in the hunt for the title if it hadn’t happened, is it difficult to deal with that in your mind?

Yeah, what could have been but whatever, but Adamo won the world championship so congrats to him, he was the most consistent rider of the year, he was not injured and I was.

Interview: Jonathan McCready

Image: InFront Moto Racing