Interview: Kasimir Hindersson – takes his first EMX125 podium at Lommel

It was a superb weekend for Kasimir Hindersson racing in Lommel and a weekend he won’t forget in a hurry winning the second moto. 5-1 meant he secured his first EMX125 overall podium in second at the toughest track on the calendar.

We caught up with the Finn to discuss his impressive weekend and more.

GateDrop: Kasimir, it was an unbelievable weekend here for you in Lommel and especially that second moto. When you woke up this morning did you think you’d get a moto win in the EMX125 class?

Hindersson: Yeah, definitely after yesterday I felt about sh*t because I had some bad luck. I had three crashes so I knew I had to do better today and that was my goal. For the win, I didn’t really expect that but I guess I did it so it feels amazing.

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GateDrop: You’ve been racing the EMX125 class for a while now and you’ve never really been at the front, how does it feel not only to do that but also beat a wonderkid in Reisulis?

Hindersson: It feels great. There is a lot of pressure also when you are leading a race. You just need to keep the head cool which I didn’t do yesterday crashing three times but I made it today so it just feels amazing.  Also, I think this year I am the only guy to beat Reisulis and Valin in the same moto which is just unbelievable. Now I’ve done it once I want to do it again.

GateDrop: What was your thoughts on the track? Not too much track prep overnight and then rain made it even rougher for moto two I think!

Hindersson: Yeah, yesterday was a bit dry but today the rain helped the track a lot. It made it extra tough for the guys but I really enjoyed it.

Image: Nigel McKinstry

GateDrop: With it getting so rough and bumpy, you seem to excel in those deep sandy conditions and what you love?

Hindersson: Yeah, exactly. I was born in the sand so it is a bit easier for me. I was able to just play the bike so yeah it is nice.

GateDrop: You are very tall for the 125cc so I am sure that hasn’t helped with the starts and maybe why we haven’t seen you at the front on a regular basis?

Hindersson: Actually, yeah, I have been struggling with the starts a lot this year. It has made it so much more difficult for me but here the starts were alright. I did some practice with them so I made some progress which is good.

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GateDrop: You haven’t even raced all the EMX125 rounds so far this year so what’s the plan for the rest of the season? Will  you do the remaining rounds of the series?

Hindersson: Yeah, I will do the last two rounds of the EMX125 series. I didn’t do a couple rounds this year because I had a crash in Latvia which wasn’t so nice. I couldn’t race there but honestly I’ll try to do the last two as well as the last ADAC’s and that will be it.

GateDrop: Next year, you are such a tall guy I am assuming you’ll move up to race the 250cc?

Hindersson: We will see if I get a contract and if not I think I will stay with these guys for one more year to race the 125cc.

GateDrop: Ah I didn’t realise you had another year left in the class…

Hindersson: Yeah, I turn 17 next year so I can still ride the EMX125 class next year. Let’s see.

GateDrop: For the future, I think the 250cc will suit you better but like you say, another year in the EMX125 class with a lot of guys moving up you could be a regular at the front…

Hindersson: Yeah, exactly…

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GateDrop: What are your goals for the future?

Hindersson: I want to make my name big, you know. Honestly, I just want to do good in this sport – that is my goal.

GateDrop: You are obviously really good in the sand – any plans to spend the winter on the hard pack? If you could ride those conditions the same it could turn out pretty good…

Hindersson: Yeah, I haven’t got much hard pack training and I’ve been struggling a bit on it honestly. But it isn’t too bad, I like it too so we’ll see.

Interview: Andy McKinstry

Images: Nigel McKinstry