Interview: Jorge Prado on his podium!

After taking a big crash during the first round of the MX2 World Championship in Argentina, things didn’t get of to the best of starts for Jorge Prado. However, the young Spanish sensation bounced back at Valkenswaard to secure his first podium of the season.

The Factory KTM rider battled with Pauls Jonass all weekend long as he hounded him but Prado just couldn’t make a move on the MX2 World Champion which meant he went 2-2 in the motos.

Coming into the season Prado had a busy winter as he’s switched awnings to the De Carli side of the KTM team and is in the same awning as Antonio Cairoli. Unfortunately, he also picked up an injury which meant he missed out on vital bike time.

We caught up with Jorge to discuss a range of topics.

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Gatedrop: Jorge, it was a good day for you. Can you just talk me through both your moto’s?

Jorge Prado:  It was a great day for sure, taking second overall, I’m pretty happy with it. In the first moto I started in second and I was sitting behind Pauls (Jonass), I just couldn’t find a way to pass him. Then the gap got a bit bigger, I slowed down a bit and with the lappers. I just didn’t have enough time at the end to catch him so I decided to stay in second place.

In the second moto we both got a really bad jump out of the gate but we fought so hard to get to the front at the first corners. We both came out first and second. I was pushing him since the first lap and we had really high speed the whole race as well as a good rhythm. I knew where to pass but again I just couldn’t make it happen, you know. I was faster here and faster there but I just couldn’t make it happen. With two laps to go I pushed again but I just couldn’t make it, it was close.

Gatedrop: The first round in Argentina didn’t go the best for you and you had a big crash. I’m sure you would have expected more from yourself in the first round but it must be nice to get on the podium today to make up for it?

Jorge Prado:  Sure, before Argentina I was on the bike a couple of times like two weeks before. I was already happy to be second in timed practice, it showed I had good speed. Also in the qualifying race I was riding good but then I had that big crash and it made the weekend really hard for me. But, I’m happy with the first podium this season, it makes things calmer than before.

Gatedrop: You picked up an injury in winter, how did that affect your winter and you must be happy to show the injury is behind you now?

Jorge Prado:  In December I got injured as I broke my elbow which wasn’t the best. Normally during those months we ride a lot of the bike so all my bike time was pretty much gone. I worked really hard with my team, Claudio De Carli who has been there and helped me so much. The bike is like unbelievable this year and I feel so strong right now. As you can see I still fight until the last laps and I’m so happy with everything.

Gatedrop: You and Pauls got pretty close in the air at one stage over the finish line jump. From your perspective what went on there and was it clean racing with Pauls this weekend?

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Jorge Prado: Yeah, the race was pretty simple. He was first and I was second the whole time. When I attacked and put him under pressure, he moved to my side before the finish line.  I couldn’t do anything, I was on the right-hand side of the track and he moved to my side. I didn’t have a place to go, I mean I didn’t like that move so much. He even whipped so I had to move my front wheel in the air – I mean that wasn’t the best but for the rest it was clean racing, yeah.

(You can see the incident below)

Gatedrop: You’ve switched teams this year and you’re now with the Claudio De Carli setup and have Cairoli as a team mate. How’s the switch of teams been for you?

Jorge Prado: At the end of the day it’s the orange family and the KTM family. There’s a couple of differences as I’m living in Rome and training with Tony and the team in Italy.  I’m feeling calm with the team, it’s really compact and we are really together. I’m feeling great with how everything is going this year.

Gatedrop: What’s your expectations for the rest of the season – I’m assuming you want to be World Champ and that’s the goal?

Jorge Prado:  Sure, I mean okay, the first round I already lost many points there even though it’s a long season, anything can happen. Now, I’m fourth already in the championship and I belong to that kind of spot but I will try and go for the title, for sure.

Gatedrop: There’s always been talk about you going to America in the future, if you don’t win the World title this year, would you maybe stick around to try and win it?

Jorge Prado: Many people ask me about this but since I changed to the De Carli side, I’m so happy with everything. I’m not sure if I’m going to go to the US just because I’m feeling so comfortable right now. If you were to ask me if I was going to stay in the same place, probably I would say yes. For sure, it would be nice to go to US and try new things. Next year I’m still so young and I could go to the 450 class if I want whenever I want. The KTM team are always there to support me but I think I will be in Europe, I think I will stay where I am!