Interview: Jett Lawrence on going 1-1 at Assen and going to USA

What a weekend it was for 15-year-old, Jett Lawrence in Assen as he dominated the EMX250 Championship to go 1-1 and clinch his first overall. He’s also the first rider this year to secure a double moto win at a round – that’s how competitive the championship has been.

It’s hard to believe that Lawrence was only racing an 85cc last year but he has improved so much over the course of the year racing the 250cc and it’s also nice to see a Suzuki run at the front.

Lawrence only has one race left in Europe before he goes over to America where he’ll be focusing the rest of his career.

We caught up with Lawrence after his 1-1 in Assen.

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Gatedrop: Jett, an amazing weekend for you here in Assen to go 1-1, that must be your career best weekend so far?

Jett Lawrence: I had a really good flow, I really like riding the sand. I had a good flow on the track, in the first moto I was third off the start and made my way to the front. I got a gap and was able to clinch that race. In the second race I got my first holeshot of the year and found my flow but I had Kevin Horgmo behind me and he was really charging. I don’t know how but luckily I managed to keep him off my back so I’m very happy about this. I’m very happy that I’m the first rider this year in EMX250 to go 1-1. It’s pretty cool and I am happy.

Gatedrop: In the first race you had to make a few passes and in the second one you showed you’re good under pressure too. You must be happy that you’ve shown you can win under different circumstances?

Jett Lawrence: Yeah, although pressure is pressure anyway. As long as you think about yourself and not worry about what the other rider is going to do then you’ll be fine. Anyone can do it basically, you just have to focus on yourself and I did that. I rode my own race and ended up bringing it home to win the overall.

Gatedrop: You’re only 15 years old and you were on the 85cc last year. Before the season did you think you’d be able to go 1-1 at a round of the EMX250 series? It’s seriously impressive..

Jett Lawrence: Obviously I am happy with this. But my goal always was to try and get on top of the box before the season ended. I’m very happy I was able to do it here in Assen.

Gatedrop: The last round of the MX2 World Championship takes place at Imola, you aren’t going to have a go at it are you? I think a lot of people would like to see that!

Jett Lawrence: No, there’s no EMX250 there so I won’t be racing. I have another race in Germany for the ADAC German Championship at Holzgerlingen.

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Gatedrop: You’re going to be heading to America next year. In some way that might be a step back for you? If you were staying here you’d probably be racing the MX2 World Championship instead of just racing amateur events in the States..

Jett Lawrence: Yeah it sucks because I want to race the MX2 World Championship but also I’ll be going to America which is an English speaking country. I think that’ll make it easier for me and I’ll have a lot more experience than some of the amateur’s over there so I’m confident going over there. I’m hoping to do well obviously but I don’t want to set any goals yet until I get over there.

Gatedrop: Have you any plans to head to the Motocross Des Nations to support your brother, Hunter?

Jett Lawrence: No I’m not. I will be staying at home trying to pack up. I will be helping Mum pack everything up.

Gatedrop: When will you be going to America?

Jett Lawrence: I think the Friday after the Motocross Des Nations we will be heading to America.

Gatedrop: You won’t even get time to squeeze in a visit to Australia to see friends and family over there then?

Jett Lawrence: Yeah, straight to America because we have an Australian family coming over for Christmas which is very nice. I couldn’t be any happier but obviously I would like to go back to Australia. Australia is awesome, we’ve got mint pies and stuff but I’m happy some people will come over to us.

Interview: Andy McKinstry

Pic: Youthstream