Interview: Jeremy Seewer on getting back to winning ways, the level of MXGP and his future

The start of the MXGP World Championship season certainly didn’t go the way Jeremy Seewer would have wanted but he put that behind him in France looking superb at the technical, Villars sous Ecot circuit.

1-2 in the moto’s were enough to take the overall and not a place to do it with lots of Swiss fans travelling to France to support their man.

We caught up with Seewer to discuss his weekend and more.

GateDrop: Jeremy, an amazing day for you after a tough start to the season, a lot of bad luck and things happening not always your fault but because of that, this MXGP win in France must feel extra special…

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Seewer: It does, it almost feels like I don’t believe it yet. I won a GP and it’s like, wow crazy. After everything this year, this is huge. I’ve been so far off the podium, not even close to it and now I get the win. But I always knew I had this level but there was always something… Things happened for whatever reason but now I am there, I hope I stay there because that is where I belong and it is what I work for. It feels good.

GateDrop: Just on the atmosphere, I mean it was really good here but I was at the Swiss GP and it maybe edged it… Also, the Swiss that were here today were loud…

Seewer: Yeah, you know this is good. I held a party last November inviting my fans, I made a speech and told them: guys, next year I just want you guys to be the loudest at the track. It seems to have worked, but you know it is cool to see. That is what we need and this kind of atmosphere, the Swiss GP was incredible and also today here in France, the fans were amazing. It is cool to see the Swiss are the strongest.

GateDrop: Just on the track, Saturday was like an Enduro but a lot of track prep, without yesterday you’d probably say today was really rough but how did you find it both days?

Seewer: Still rough, still rough, lines, bumps, sketchy ruts, whatever! Yesterday was one or two steps too much, I mean I am good at it and I like it, I was fine, quick and did well but maybe just a little too dangerous and too risky. Even for me I had to say, okay this is the limit but today was better. It is not easy to prepare this kind of track and I don’t really know what they can do to be better in the future. Maybe have more machinery because it’s quite a big track and maybe they struggled with not having enough machinery but also the time. On Saturday, the schedule is so busy and maybe that is what they need to think about to improve for the future.

GateDrop: Just on the level of MXGP, watching from the side lines, pfft it is fast. Starts are important and fortunately yours were good this weekend, it just goes to show you can win with good starts…

Seewer: Three starts, three holeshots… this is good! Starts are always key in every race in this world. In the US and over here, if you start in front you are out of trouble and if you don’t then you are, this is always the key of any race. Sure in the sand a little less but it still makes your life easier. MXGP, the level is high, especially with Jeffrey (Herlings) back. In the beginning he started off slow and we thought we had him but then he starts to wake up and we know Jeffrey is strong. But you know he also struggles, we saw today you can beat him. It’s a long season and a lot can happen. Even myself, having a lot of tough moto’s almost scoring no points because of bad luck and it’s the same for other guys too. I think with having points for the qualifying race and having so many races, it’s like no one will be there all year long. It is just how it is now a days but that is MXGP!

Image: Infront Moto Racing

GateDrop: I’m glad you mentioned the qualifying races actually, this year there’s points on offer – what is your thoughts on that? I know riders don’t really like the third moto but I think it’s good for the fans on the Saturday but would you prefer the qualifying race without points or points so it sort of makes it worthwhile doing then…

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Seewer: Honestly, I don’t really mind the qualifying race. I mean it has always been there and I am used to it so why not? It is fine but for me, the points, to me they don’t make too much sense. Especially with how they are, it just makes guys push a lot more on Saturday for points which is good for the fans but they also see a race if we don’t have points so for me it is a bit 50-50 but I think just keep the qualifying race without points, the fans won’t be like ahh come on, they are happy to see a race.

GateDrop: A weekend off until Latvia, I guess you’ll be doing a bit of sand riding now to prepare for that one? And are you hoping this can be the starting point off your season to be a consistent podium guy that you’ve been doing for so many years in MXGP…  

Seewer: Of course, that is what I trained for all winter and that is how I felt, to be up there. Sure, you can’t win every weekend but you can top three every weekend. I mean I live in Belgium so I am good in the sand, I can keep up with those guys and I like Latvia, Kegums is a cool track. I am looking forward to it but now a few days rest because those weekends take your energy.

GateDrop: Just on the new Yamaha, a new model this year and I don’t think you could get your settings at the start of the year, have you got them sorted now? Your Yamaha contract is also up at the end of this year, are you happy to stay blue or is it still up in the air?

Seewer: First of all, yeah, it is a new bike. At first we thought we had it sorted and then we ran into some troubles a little bit but that is normal because you face different conditions you never race. So, we had to sort them out but it seems like we did it because we are there now. The team did a great effort and the new bike is amazing. I mean I loved it at first sight, you still just need to make it work to ride at that level. We go so fast now a days and we always have to make steps, if you are as good as last year you aren’t good enough. You need to make another step. I am not thinking about my future at the moment, I mean I have proved enough over my career… sure it is about figures and how much you get paid but it’s about how good you ride, that’s how it is in the contracts. I am the most relaxed guy about that so I am going to see but I think for the moment, I am happy with blue but I’m open with whatever happens, let’s see.

Interview: Andy McKinstry

Images: Infront Moto Racing