Interview: Glenn Coldenhoff discusses his Hawkstone International win, battling with Herlings and Fantic

What a weekend it was for Glenn Coldenhoff at the Hawkstone International event. The experienced Dutch rider always goes well at Hawkstone but even for his high standards was in superb form at this years addition of the event.

He might not have won any of the moto’s outright but 2-2 was enough to secure the overall and again second in the super final was a strong showing. Not only that but he made Herlings fight for the win. Coldenhoff was arguably that little bit faster but just couldn’t make a pass stick.

He is looking super good on the Fantic which is great to see so we caught up with the likeable Dutch talent after the event.

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GateDrop: Glenn, that is your second race with Fantic in the books here at Hawkstone, a track you love and go well at it. It was a great day for you, you must be happy to come away with the overall win and battle for the moto wins with Jeffrey…

Coldenhoff: Sure, it was a good day. It was only the first moto that I didn’t feel that good, the start was a bit off and I made some mistakes myself but the riding was good. I feel good with the bike, the team did a big big effort this past winter and they provide me with an awesome bike. It is a lot of hard work but it is good to see that it is paying off. I feel comfortable on it, the bike is working great and we had a great day here again. I mean I took the overall with 2-2 and the last moto (super final) I was also second. I was fighting for the win in the last two moto’s and was some good fighting but wasn’t able to pass. I just wasn’t close enough at a few stages but it was good.

GateDrop: I mean for an International I thought the pace was really high out there in the MX1 class, the top ten at least were on it. Did it feel fast out there and how close where you to the top?

Coldenhoff: Yeah, we were pushing quite a bit (smiles). The track was really gnarly today and Jeffrey and myself were pushing, pushing hard. You know, I made a few mistakes here or there but in the end kept it on two wheels and it was a nice day. I think also for the fans it was very crowdy here, it is always good to come here in Hawkstone.

GateDrop: You and Jeffrey were battling which was great to see – the Dutch fans would have been loving to see it in a Dutch 1-2. You were pushing hard to try and pass him to which I like to see because sometimes I think maybe you could ride more aggressive so it was nice to see you ride like that…

Coldenhoff: Yeah, I hear that more often that I should be more aggressive but that also comes with feeling. I believe that we have the bike working great now, the suspension is good and then you are able to be more aggressive. You know, you can be more creative and stuff, like I say, I believe I am in a good spot now. We’ll see in two weeks time we have Argentina where the season will start. I feel like I am ready for it so we’ll see.

GateDrop: You are still with the Wilvo team in 2024 so probably not that much has changed apart from it being a Fantic instead of a Yamaha, how much different is that? I believe you also have a new mechanic in Paul Conway too, what is it like working with him?

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Coldenhoff: It’s been good. I’ve got two new mechanics this year. We knew already for quite a while because they were in the team as well the past three years. For me, you know there is no big change, let’s say to stay with the same team, only the bike brand changes. To be honest it is quite similar, there are a few things different but it is feeling good. I am happy with all the people that I am working with, it is good.

Image: Scott Dunne

GateDrop: What has it been like having Roan van de Moosdijk as a team mate? He is obviously going for his rookie year but as a fellow Dutch rider has probably looked up to you in the past, you can help guide him to get to the top of MXGP in the future now as well…

Coldenhoff: It is good to have him. He is doing well in training. It is a bit sad that he twisted his knee here today at Hawkstone International. I hope it is not too bad and he can make the travel to Argentina. It is good to have him around, we have a good relationship and is a good guy. It would be good to have him there in Argentina so I hope for him all the best and he’s back soon.

GateDrop: Does it feel nice being the main man in a team again? Not that you weren’t at Yamaha but you were one of the main men but do you feel the responsibility of being the main rider for Fantic this year?

Coldenhoff: No, I don’t feel it like that way. I mean we get treated all the same, also the past three years when I was with Yamaha. We never felt as the first or second rider, you know they work as hard for me as they do the others. It is the same now with Roan we don’t have a first or second rider, maybe paper wise I should be in front but like I said he has been riding really well. I think if he can get into his rhythm and get some races under his belt that he will be very good as well. It is good to have him.

GateDrop: You’ve got a two year deal with Fantic – it could be the last contract for you racing MXGP – but maybe not. Have you got yourself a goal you’d like to achieve within the next two years that you’ve set yourself?

Coldenhoff: I mean I am always riding to win every weekend. As long as I feel that I am still competitive, that I am able to get some podiums and able to get some wins, I feel like: why should I stop already? I feel really good myself and I take good care of my body, I go to physio every single week and I feel if I don’t get any big major injury… Like I said, if I can still be competitive I would love to go on so we’ll see after those two years. Anyway it is nice to have those two years because it is tough times at the moment in MXGP and I am in a good team with a good bike with good people. We will see in two years!

Interview: Andy McKinstry