August Frisk was representing Sweden at the Junior World Championship at the weekend in Romania but the young rider got caught up in a crash involving other riders. Frisk ended up the worst and is currently in hospital in intensive care.
It’s a serious condition but for the moment the young 125cc is stable so fingers crossed he makes a full recovery. We would like to send our best wishes to him and everyone close to him at this time.
Frisk’s parents shared the following update on social media:
“Hello are you, It’s August’s mom and dad who are writing now. We understand that many of you are missing updates from August since the JWC in Romania.
August was involved in a serious accident with a bunch of other riders. He has sustained multiple injuries to his abdomen/abdomen/chest that have required surgery and now intensive care. August and family are still in Romania where we take one hour at a time. The situation is very serious but for the moment stable. The next five days are expected to be extra critical. We are grateful for all the care and love you show for August”.