Herlings on Lommel and the MXoN

A sore but happy Jeffrey Herling spoke to the media after Lommel to give his thoughts on an amazing but painful day – and if he will ride the MXoN in the middle of the MXGP season with a world title on the line!

Jeffrey Herlings on

The two motos…Everything was going good so far. Practice we got a good position for the gate pick. First race, I think I was third at the start and then moved into second. Romain was having a really good race and at one point I just decided to stay behind. Running at a good pace and on good lines. I wanted to save energy, and also for my shoulder. As everyone knows, I broke my shoulder blade so it’s not really normal to ride a bike within 13-14 days after.

I did not know if I was going to fade with my shoulder because the track was rough and demanding on your body, especially on your shoulders as well. At one point, I felt I could run at a faster pace and I managed to pass Romain and make a gap. Obviously, Romain went down and then it was just a walking part from there. Second race turned out good. At the start I was around 4th or 5th I believe and then me and Glenn came together, he took my rear wheel and we both went down. We were both last, so it was a shame. Then I fought my way back to 5th place within 15 minutes I think but then I just faded. I did not want to make a big error and go down, i cant even lift my arm up right now.

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I think it’s been a good day to go 1-5 because one week ago I thought the championship was game over. Now, obviously, I know I need to hunt the boys down but 42 points is not too bad. There is still a lot of races to go, so there’s a lot of options”

The decision to ride…“Right now it doesn’t feel a good decision (pain)! I think I lost a championship 5 or 6 times due to injuries. I’m just like my trophy on the podium – I am made from glass! It’s pretty frustrating at times, but I think right now I am still in a good place. I don’t want to give up the championship so quick, so I think we’re still in a good place once again. We just have to keep fighting”.

One day format… I think this one day event it is way better it’s safer. With us we are in a dangeorus sport, , this one day format is really good it can make your career longer.

MXoN in the middle of the season… I mean for some countries, I don’t want to speak bad but for the country like Tim is in, it’s hard for that team to win and there is no GP points, I would be like…’why would I go?’ But for team Holland, France, you are capable of winning – then there is a point to go. I don’t know if there is many riders will go (because it’s mid-season). If I was leading (the MXGP championship) and had a bad team I don’t know if I would line up. Luckily I have a strong team and hopefully with Holland we can fight for the top spots – I’m going to do it!

Image: Ray Archer

Podcast! We look back at a remarkable MXGP of Lommel and talk about that man Herlings, Febvre’s win, Gajser’s crashes plus Geerts, De Wolf and the MXoN. Get it on iTunes here or Spotify and YouTube below: