Federico Tuani to take a break from the sport

Image: Niek Kamper

Coming into the 2024 season, Italian talent, Federico Tuani signed with AIT KTM Racing team to contest the MX2 World Championship in what is his rookie season.

It hasn’t been the best of times for Tuani who in the past has showed good potential but he has revealed he has been struggling mentally.

The young Italian has confirmed that he has decided to take a break from the sport to sort himself out but has stressed that he is not quitting the sport and will be back racing when he is ready.

Tuani posted the following statement on social media:

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Hello everyone, wanna give you an update on my situation and what’s going on for the next weeks. As been the toughest year of my career so far, struggling a lot and not making any positive from racing. Me and my team have decided to take a break from it for the moment.

This has been the worse decision I ever done but at the minute, I think it’s the only one that could work out. I don’t know anything when and where I’m going to be back at it, I just want to give my body and to my mind a little bit of rest.

I can’t be more thankful to my family, team and the people that have my back on such difficult days but Fede is going to be back where he belongs.

I love this sport with everything in me, but in the end of the day, it’s just motocross. It began bleeding into my personal life and poisoning my love for the sport. To me, that cost is far too high for me to continue. I’m not quitting, as I’m not ready for that. I’m just resting for a bit, see you around.