After 5 successful years riding with Apico Husqvarna, popular Irishman Stuart Edmonds, has announced he won’t be with the team for 2023. The still very competitive Edmonds is on the lookout for a new opportunity – and might even run his own team!
Edmonds said: “After 5 years riding for @apicohusqvarna it has come to an end. I would like to thank Dylan (@dylanbrown6941) and Anna (@erikssonale) for their support and hospitality over the years and taking me into their home, along with the rest of the @apicofactoryracing family. You all made me feel a part of the business. It’s been an amazing journey and opportunity to ride for you guys and i’ll have memories to cherish for years to come. Thank You 💕
“With that being said 2023 is unplanned now and I will be looking for a spot on a team or I will possibly have to get Team 162 up and running provided i can get support😅. I put everything into my racing and I am just as motivated to win now as I ever have. I will continue to be motivated going into next year and you will see me racing no matter what but on what bike or team I am unsure of! Either way I will put everything i can into being on the line!! #thankyou”
Image: JMCC