Video: Tommy Searle on racing Arenacross in 2023

“For the sport in general in the UK Arenacross is a positive, if you get the young kids racing it from a young age it develops their skillset, it develops their race craft. It’s something that I done, all the top boys, as kids, used to race it. If you were good yous raced it, something to do in the winter. I raced it in the 60, 80, big wheels, even my first couple of years pro I raced it with Molson Kawasaki.

“When I signed for factory KTM, I also raced it, went to Belfast, went to Sheffield on KTM. So I think the excuse that some riders use that they are going to focus on outdoors, you are just a kid – just go race, you are better off learning how to race than just practicing on a weekend.”

Watch the latest 2Pro 1Slow podcast as Tommy Searle talks about signing up for Arenacross in 2023 from 15 minutes in: